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  题目:  气门摇臂轴支座的机械加工工艺及夹具设计
     学 生 姓 名:  
     学       号: 2
     班       级:  机制0503
     专业(全称): 机械设计制造及其自动化
     指 导 教 师:  

                      2009年 6月


关键词:气门摇臂轴支座,工艺分析 ,工艺规程设计 ,夹具设计

The machining process and fixture design of the Valve Rocker Arm Bearing support

  Machining industry ,as a traditional and vibrant industry, has been rapidly developed for a few past decades. In the new economic area,the industry presented a new development trend,and the trends also changes the quality and the performance of the production in some new abstracts. Machining industry is now taking place in structural changes, process design and improvement of equipment has become the necessary conditions of the enterprise survival and development, process equipment design and improved products directly affect the quality and performance.
   This article introduces the role and process analysis of the valve rocker arm bearing support,followed by determining blank size, and then proceed to order the design process, the final fixture design. What will be disgned is The machining process and fixture design of the Valve Rocker Arm Bearing support,which has the chatacteristics of three abstrcat.its components for castings, with a small size, simple structure and the characteristics of parts,because the surface is easier than the easy processing, point of order in the development process, the surface on the first processing , and then to surface as a benchmark to other processing, including the processes used special fixture, and its design is simple, convenient and can meet the requirements.

KEYWORDS: Valve rocker arm bearing support, process analysis, Process design, fixture design

1.1 本设计的内容及意义……………………………………………….…..1
1.2 课题背景知识………………………………………………….…………1
1.2.1 零件的作用……………………………………………………………2
1.2.2柴油机相关知识介绍 2
    1.2.3 机械制造工艺技术相关知识................................................................3
    1.2.4 机床夹具设计基础知识........................................................................4
2 气门摇臂轴支座的机械制造工艺规程设计 9
2.1 零件的工艺分析及生产类型的确定 9
2.1.1零件的作用 9
2.1.2零件的工艺分析 9
2.1.3确定零件的生产类型 11
2.2 选择毛坯,绘制毛坯图 11
2.2.1选择毛坯种类 11
2.2.2确定毛坯尺寸及机械加工总余量 12
2.2.3设计毛坯图 13
2.3 选择加工方法,制定工艺路线 14
2.3.1定位基准的选择 14
2.3.2零件表面加工方法的选择 16
2.3.3加工阶段的划分 16
2.3.4工序的集中与分散 17
2.3.5工序顺序的安排 17
2.3.6确定工艺路线 17
2.3.9切削余量及基本时间定额的确定 21
3 气门摇臂轴支座专用夹具的设计...........................................................37
3.1确定夹具的结构方案 37
       3.1.1确定定位方案,选择定位元件............................................................ 37
      3.1.2 确定导向装置.............................................................39
3.2设计夹具体 40
3.3 夹具装配图上标注尺寸、配合及技术要求 40
总结 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45
附件 46
附件B 英文翻译及原文

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