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This paper gives identify specific liquid dangerous test methods. Different liquid dielectric constant and different dielectric constant of microwave energy absorption and reflex different liquid, as measured by the reflection of the intensity of microwave, may realize the fast identification of certain liquid dangerous goods.
Material testing into quantitative detection, qualitative testing and negation test. Quantitative detection is to judge what components were detected, but also contains substances capable of detecting each ingredient contents, such as mass spectrometry detection and various spectral measurement. Qualitative tests only request is a substance, such as judge ims, etc. And negative testing was given a test material, whether they contain one or several specific components. These three detection methods each have each characteristic, quantitative detection accuracy, but generally detecting time long; Negative testing to eliminate sexual detection, but can quickly identify, qualitative testing batch between dielectric and. In safety testing field, using negative testing ways to achieve rapid advance identification. As in liquid dangerous goods in detecting, through the negative test mode, can quickly identify whether may contain dangerous goods in the liquid. Based on the actual demand, negative testing gives a reflection ability by measuring the microwave achieve rapid testing bottled (glass, plastic and porcelain) liquid containing certain specific whether one or some of dangerous goods.

   Keywords:Dielectric constant liquid detection dangerous goods
   第1章 绪论 5
   1.1课题研究概述 5
   1.2国内外研究现状 5
   1.3课题研究思路及主要研究内容 7
   第2章 冰介电常数测量的理论基础知识 8
   2.1常见溶剂冰介电常数 8
   2.2电介质的冰介电常数 8
   2.3冰介电常数相关解释 9
   2.4冰介电常数应用 10
   第3章 电容传感器方案与通讯接口设计 12
   3.1电容传感器的介绍 12
   3.2电容传感器方案设计 13
   第4章 基于LABVIEW的冰介电性监测系统程序设计 14
   4.1接口芯片固件程序设计 14
   4.2设备驱动程序 14
   4.3基于LABVIEW的冰介电性监测系统应用软件设计 14
   第5章 第五章基于LABVIEW的冰介电性监测实验系统设计与试验分析 14
   5.1基于LABVIEW的冰介电性监测实验系统设计 14
   5.2测试试验过程及结果 14
   5.3试验分析 14
   第6章 结论与展望 14
   6.1研究结论 14
   6.2展望 14
   致谢 15
   参考文献 15

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