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  雷·鲍尔  菲利普·布朗
    对会计实务的有用性进行完全分析方法的局限由会计数据本质上不能被定义的争论来说明。会计数据本质上不能被定义是因为它们缺乏“意义”,从而它们的作用令人质疑。 争论中心在一定程度上源自为适应新经济环境,相应出现会计实务的发展。仅举一些出现问题的领域。随着实务的发展,会计人员需要处理合并、租赁、并购、研发费用、物价波动和税项支出等实务。因为会计缺少一个统一的理论框架,所以在这些会计实务中出现了不一致的现象。其结果是,净收益是不同质部分的累计。因而,净收益被认为是一个“无意义”的数字,跟27张桌子和8把椅子之间的差别没什么不同。在这种观点下,净盈余只能被定义为一系列程序 运用到一系列事件 后得到的结果,没有什么实质内涵。
Canning 观察到
    资本理论的最新发展为将证券价格的表现视作会计收益数据有用性的运行测试提供了合理理由。大量令人印象深刻的理论证实,如下的资本市场是有效和无偏的,原因在于如果信息对形成资本资产的价格是有用的,资本市场就会根据这种信息迅速地调整资产的价格,使投资者不能获得更多的非正常报酬。 证据显示,如果证券价格确实根据新信息进行迅速地调整,那么证券价格的变化就会反映信息向资本市场的流动。 可观测的股票价格波动与收益表发布之间的联系可以证明会计收益数据所反映的信息是有用的。
   我们采用的将会计收益同股票价格相联系的研究方法就建立在上述理论和通过仅关注影响特定公司股票价格的特定信息得到证据的基础上。 具体来说,我们构建了市场预期收益的两个选择模型来考察当市场预期不准确时市场是如何反应的。
因为,上述变动的两个组成部分——宏观经济和政策——的影响是同时的,它们的联系可以被联合估计。我们采用的统计流程是:首先采用最小二乘法(OLS)和到上年为止的数据( ),求出 公司每年的盈余变化( )关于市场上其他所有公司(除了 公司)的盈余平均变化( )的线性回归系数和截距项( ):



   On accounting practical usefulness fully analysis method limitations by accounting data essentially cannot be defined argument to explain . The essence of accounting data cannot be defined because they lack the " meaning " , and their role in question . Debate centers in part from in order to adapt to the new economic environment , the development of corresponding accounting practice . To name only a few problem areas . With the development of practice , accounting personnel need to deal with , leasing , mergers and acquisitions , R & D , fluctuation of price and tax expenditure . Because of the accounting lacks a unified theoretical framework , so the accounting practice appeared inconsistent phenomenon . As a result, net income is not homogeneous part of the total . Thus , net income is considered to be a " meaningless" digital , with 27 tables and 8 chairs the difference between no different . In this view , net earnings can only be defined as a series of procedures  applied to a series of events  results , no substantial connotation .
Canning observed
    Net earnings measurement results in any sense are not considered true , except that it is a digital , is accountant the personnel to suspend him the application after the results .
Try to improve the way of measuring ability to explain the analysis method of value is no controversy . Controversial is a such facts : an analytical model itself is not assessed from its implied meaning measurement mode . Therefore , in the absence of experience on the basis of the inspection , according to the accounting analysis model as a result of accounting earnings data lack of substantive connotation causes it to lack of useful conclusion is wrong .
   Accounting income data validation experience about real-world results constitute the utility of experimental protocols . Because the net gain is a investors interested in digital , so we used as a predictor of outcome criteria is reflected in the stock price of the investment decision . Net income data content and published two will be used to verify the usefulness of accounting earnings data , because these two are lack of will destroy the data on the usefulness of accounting earnings .
Empirical test
    Capital theory and the latest development of the stock price performance as accounting earnings data useful to run the tests provide reasonable grounds . Many impressive academic proof , the capital market is efficient and unbiased , because if the information on the formation of the capital assets price is useful , the capital market will be based on this information to rapidly adjust the price of assets, so that investors can get more abnormal returns . Evidence shows that , if the prices of securities are based on new information is quickly adjusted , so the price movement of securities will reflect the information to the capital market flows . Observation of the fluctuation of stock price and income statement released the connection between accounting earnings data can prove that reflects the information is useful in .
    We apply the accounting income with stock prices linked to the research method is based on the theory and by only concerned about the impact of specific stock price specific information based on evidence . Specifically , we construct the market expected earnings of two choice model to investigate when the market is expected to less accurate when the market is how to response .
Expected earnings changes and unexpected earnings changes
According to the facts of the past , all of the company 's earnings changes consistent with . One study found that , on average earnings per share ( EPS ) change is about half the level and macroeconomic effect . Based on this evidence , the average earnings per share ( EPS ) change is about half the level and macroeconomic effect . Based on this evidence , the company earnings from a year to change at least portions can be predicted . In the last years , if a company's earnings through a particular manner with other company earnings is linked , so understanding the past the specific connection , plus other enterprises that earnings information , can get the enterprises that the conditional expectation of earnings . Therefore , to remove to determine the effects of current income , the new information content through the actual earnings and conditional expectation change differences are estimated .
   But not all of this difference is the new information . Some of the changes from the surplus corporate finance and other policy changes . We assume that , during the first estimates of the former , these changes have been with time was the mean change reflected by income .
   Because of these changes, the two components -- macroscopically economy and Policy -- effects are at the same time, they can be combined to estimate. We used statistical process is: first, by using the method of least squares ( OLS ) and to the last date data ( ), and annual earnings change ( ) on the market, all other companies ( in addition to the company 's earnings ) average change () of the linear regression coefficient and the intercept term ( ):
Among them, " " said estimation . Then , the annual market earnings average change into regression model , calculate the company in the years of expected earnings changes :
Earnings change , or, the prediction residuals () , is the actual value of earnings changes expected earnings changes :
We assume that the current yield the new information is the prediction residual .
Market reaction
   As proved , the stock price ( which also has to hold the stock return rate ) fluctuant have consistency . One study estimates , in 1944 March to 1960 October , stock month return rate change about 30%-40% and market effect . Stock returns in the market changes from with all company related information released by . Since we evaluate and individual companies related to the income statement , its content and release time should be got rid of and market effect of stock return rate changes linked to estimate :
   Market information in one dollar invested into the company stock obtained in the rate of return on common stock of the company can be influenced by the stock price than the market return on rate of linear regression to derive prediction value to estimate : one , is the company in the first month's stock price ratio, is the Fisher " composite performance index " the chain of [Fisher (1966 ) ] , is the company in the first month of the stock return error . The value of market monthly remuneration rate estimation . We sampled a subscript m presented since 1946 January all can obtain data on the number of months .
   Equation ( 3) shows the ordinary least squares regression model ( OLS ) in the residual error measurement based on the estimation of the regression parameters ( ) and the market index the actual rate of return and the expected rate of return difference degree . Therefore , since the discovery of the market according to new information quickly and effectively adjusted , so the error must represent the company alone to the new information on the holding of ordinary shares of the company 's remuneration rate influence .

文献来自,雷·鲍尔和菲利普·布朗,1968,“实证评价会计收益数据”,会计研究期刊,秋天,159-178页.Ball, R. and Brown, P., 1968, “An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers”, journal of Accounting Research, Autumn, pp. 159-178

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