摘 要
With the development of electronic technology, the growth in the field of electronic measuring technology, teaching and research needs in the area, the traditional waveform generator has been increasingly difficult to be qualified for such a high demand. Compared with traditional waveform generator, based on CPLD waveform generator has high accuracy, stability, flexibility, and low cost, repeated utilization of the advantages of the development trend of the waveform generator, and has broad market prospects. This topic requires a multi-waveform generator design with programmable logic devices, the waveform generator can generate incremental ramp descending ramp, ladder wave, sine wave, square wave, triangle wave by the user to select the output desired one waveform . VHDL language using a text input method, new construction this paper, through the design input, compile simulation to complete the design of a variety of signal, and then generate the components, and then use schematic entry method to complete the integration of the various parts, so as to form a complete waveform signal generator, then after locking pin downloading digital to analog conversion can be observed on an oscilloscope to the waveform.
Keywords: VHDL, analog circuitry, digital communication systems, digital-to-analog conversion
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目 录 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 选题的依据及课题的意义 4
1.2 研究概况及发展趋势综述 4
1.3 系统组成 5
1.4 研究内容及实验方案 5
第二章 相关理论概述 7
2.1 信号发生器概述 7
2.2 VHDL语言介绍 7
2.3 Quartus II 概述 8
第三章 主要功能的设计与实现 10
3.1 功能模块的划分 10
3.2 主要功能的实现 10
3.2.1方波的实现 10
3.2.2三角波的实现 12
3.2.3正弦波的实现 14
3.2.4阶梯波的实现 16
3.2.5四选一输出波形选择模块 17
3.3 多波形信号发生器 19
第四章 外围电路设计 21
4.1基于MAXII EMP570T100C5芯片的开发板介绍 21
4.2 D/A转换器 21
4.3示波器观察图形 23
结 论 25
参 考 文 献 26
致 谢 27