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   The design of this light truck transmission, the main purpose is to test the results of four years of study in the university and lay a solid foundation for the future work.This design explained the function of the transmission and design requirements, had the transmission a large number of surveys and studies, and conducted a preliminary studies program. According to the design requirement to choose a three-axis 4th speed transmission and the fixed middle shaft, the reverse stall used to shift the gear on the reverse gear shaft, the other stalls used Synchronizer shift, according to the design requirements of the light truck,the manipulation agencies use remote control. Noted and demonstrated that the transmission parameters, the calculations and the list of gear geometry parameters,the gear material selection,gear strength and strength check, the design of the shaft and stiffness and strength check,shaft material selection, bearing selection,spline options and check.And briefly introduce the transmission disassembly sequence, as well as a summary of this design.The whole graduation design lasts three months, and it is completed under the teacher's leading and the help of the classmate smoothly. Finally thanks to the teachers and classmates who give me much help during the graduation design.
  This design, includes 4.5 No.0 diagram papers by computer and manual drawing, translating a foreign information, preparing five MATLAB Programming Language, and edit a manual.
Keyword: light truck, transmission, design, three-axis, the reverse gear shaft











第一章  减速器的功用和要求………………………………………………………3
第二章  减速器的方案论证…………………………………………………………4
     第一节 减速器类型选择及传动方案设计 ……………………………………4
      第二节 减速器传动机构的分析 ………………………………………………5
第三节 减速器操纵机构方案分析 ……………………………………………7  
  第四节 减速器传动方案的设计……………………………………………… 7
         一、整车总布置  …………………………………………………………7
         二、驾驶员的使用习惯  …………………………………………………7
   三、提高平均传动效率  …………………………………………………8
  四、改善齿轮受载情况 ……………………………………………………8
  第三章  减速器设计计算  …………………………………………………………10
          第一节 减速器主要参数的选择 …………………………………………… 10  
中心距A    ………………………………………………………11
齿轮参数的选择  …………………………………………………11
        五、齿轮的强度校核  …………………………………………………19
       第二节 减速器轴的设计计算 ………………………………………………21
轴的功用和设计要求 ……………………………………………21
轴的尺寸初选   …………………………………………………21
轴的结构形状 ……………………………………………………22
轴的受力分析 ……………………………………………………23
轴的强度计算及校核 ……………………………………………24
轴的刚度计算及校核 ……………………………………………28
            七、轴上花键的设计计算 ……………………………………………29
     第三节 减速器轴承的选择…………………………………………………30
几种轴承的特点 …………………………………………………30
类型的选择 ………………………………………………………30
       三、 轴承的计算  ……………………………………………………31
  第四节 减速器同步器的设计  ……………………………………………38
同步器类型的选择 ………………………………………………38
同步器的工作原理 ………………………………………………38
主要参数的选择   ………………………………………………38
          四、花键的校核   ……………………………………………………40
 第四章  减速器的拆装顺序    …………………………………………………42 
     致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………  44
    参考文献  …………………………………………………………………………45
附录  程序和结果…………………………………………………………………46

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