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摘  要

随着计算机应用的不断普及,计算机网络技术的不断进步和发展。当今世界,以信息技术为主要标志的科技进步日新月异,高科技成果向现实生产力的转化越来越快。特别是Internet技术的应用和发展, 网络规模的扩大,以及多媒体技术的应用,缩短了人们之间的距离,在为人们提供及时、大量和丰富的信息的同时,也为我们的工作和生活方式带来了巨大的变化。纵观全球经济发展,信息技术和信息产业已经成为经济增长的主要推动力之一,正在改变着传统的生产和经营方式以至生活方式,发达国家经过产业结构的升级和经济结构的转型已进入信息经济阶段。信息资源已经成为国民经济和社会发展的战略资源,信息化水平也已成为现代化水平和综合国力的重要标志。
关键字: 大学生毕业论文网上选题系统;网络;ASP


Nowadays, the development of IT, the process and transfer of information also enter into a new stage. Especially, the application and development of the Internet, and expand of the size of the net, the application of Internet on teaching mangement, that shorten the distance of people, while providing the in timing, mass, abundant information for people, it is also bring huge changes for our work and life style, the process and service of technology has become one necessary content of modem in this developing world, the technology of information have being developed very fast especially it has entered into the world of ordinary man.
The choose subject system based on web that is under the support of network is an advanced pattern that the students can choose their subjects and search for information. It also can increase the modem managerial level and capable of competitiveness of university as well as provide the service for the net student and in order to apply the web into the education and use of the web source, advance the balance development of education. Lots of countries take the choose subject system that based on web seriously, they develop the system in hardware and real world, also they develop it in kinds of patterns.
This system uses ASP as the developing tools of Microsoft Corporation. Access as the back database and using the developing tools facing all kinds of objects that it provides, especially the data window and it can managing the intellectual objects of data base conveniently and briefly. First, it can set up the system-using model in short time. Then it can carry on the requirement analyze of initial model system and revise and improve continually until form the feasible system that makes the users satisfied.
The aim of this system is to let the management of university can carry on efficient management and provide convenient and fast tools for local and managing department, as to get the newest, most completely and most reliable ,information in order to satisfy the students and managements' needing in the largest limitation and to set up a database that data are coincide and highly integrity, as well as its safety is good. As to the latter, it requires that the applicable program's function should integrity and can be used conveniently and the users can master the operation in short time.
The mainly technological creational point is based on the newest visit technology of DAO database. This technology has strong function, is used conveniently and it can save large code's compile. In addition the main character of this system is that it has new and friendly interface, operating briefly and conveniently and the users can master the operation quickly.
Keywords: The choose subject system; Internet; ASP
                目 录

绪  论. 1
1  系统概述. 2
1.1  系统建设目标. 2
1.2  系统建设原则. 2
1.3  系统运行环境. 3
1.3.1  体系结构和网络协议标准. 3
1.3.2  软件平台. 3
1.3.3  编程环境的选择. 3
1.3.4  数据库管理系统. 4
1.3.5  硬件环境要求. 5
2  系统需求分析. 5
2.1  项目简介. 6
2.1.1  课题信息. 6
2.1.2  学生信息. 7
2.1.3  密码信息. 7
2.1.4  学号课题. 7
2.2  对新系统的综合要求. 7
2.2.1  系统的功能要求. 7
2.2.2  系统的性能要求. 8
2.2.3  分析并创建新系统. 8
3  系统功能. 10
3.1  数据录入和维护功能. 10
3.2  课题选择功能. 11
3.3  报表打印功能. 11
3.4  安全保密功能. 11
3.5  统计功能. 11
4  数据库的概念. 11
4.1  数据库的概念. 11
4.2  数据库设计. 12
4.3  实现数据库之间的联系. 12
4.4  数据库规划. 12
5  系统设计. 19
5.1  系统模块结构设计. 19
5.2  功能模块说明. 21
5.3  前端应用程序界面说明. 21
5.3.1  登录界面说明. 21
5.3.2  主界面说明. 22
5.3.3  操作管理模块界面说明. 22
5.3.4  生成报告模块界面说明. 23
5.3.5  系统关于模块界面说明. 23
5.4  系统安全和可靠性设计. 23
5.4.1  系统安全设计. 24
5.4.2  系统可靠性设计. 24
参考文献. 27

绪  论

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