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摘 要
The role of the piston rod is passed under the power of the crankshaft, piston and to the crankshaft of the reciprocating motion into rotational motion. Body by the connecting rod connecting rod, connecting rod cap, connecting rod bolts and connecting rod bearings and other parts, connecting rod connecting rod body and the connecting rod cap is divided into a small head, shaft and connecting rod. Connecting rod head is used to install the piston pin to connect the piston. Shaft is usually made of "workers" or "H" shaped cross-section, in order to meet the strength and stiffness requirements under the premise of reduced quality. Connecting rod is connected with the crankshaft connecting rod journal. Made separately from the general style, and cut half of the shaft is called rod cap, both connected by the connecting rod bolt as a whole.
Machinery manufacturing industry is a pillar industry, modern manufacturing is changing people's mode of production, lifestyle, business management model as well as social, organizational structure and culture. The development of production and product replacement accelerates, the ever-increasing demands on production efficiency and manufacturing quality, and also set forth requirements for the machining process.
A part in the actual production, due to the different parts of the production type, shape, size and technical requirements and other conditions often are not alone in one machine with a certain kind of processing can be done, but after a certain process. Therefore, we must not only in accordance with the specific requirements of the parts, select the appropriate processing methods, but also reasonable arrangements for processing the order, step by step parts processing.
Keywords: connecting rod slotting; fixture design; fixture assembly drawings;
目 录
摘 要 3
Abstract 4
第1章 引言 5
1.1 背景及意义 5
1.2夹具的发展趋势 6
1.3夹具的设计步骤 7
1.4本论文的选题依据和研究内容 10
第2章 夹具的具体结构设计 10
2.1工件分析 11
2.2工件的定位方案 11
2.3工件的夹紧方案设计 12
2.4 对刀具的对刀或导引方案 15
2.5夹具在机床上的安装方式以及夹具体的结构型式 15
2.6 液压系统的设计与计算 17
第3章 夹具精度的校验 22
3.1定位销尺寸计算 22
3.2夹紧力的计算 23
3.3夹具加工误差的分析 24
第4章 铣槽专用夹具设计 27
4.1工件的加工工艺分析 27
4.2确定夹具的结构方案 28
4.2.1确定定位方案,设计定位元件 28
4.2.2夹紧方案选择及夹紧机构设计 29
4.2.3夹具对定位方案的确定 30
4.3夹紧力计算和定位误差分析 31
4.3.1夹紧力计算 31
4.3.2定位误差分析 32
4.4确定夹具的主要尺寸、公差和技术要求 32
总 结 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35