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摘 要





    This paper gives a constant grind camshaft profile machining method of calculating the constant for the design and manufacture camshaft grinder grinding profiling provides a theoretical basis. In order to eliminate fluctuations of the input shaft speed cam dynamic response of the adverse effects, this paper, a die-cutting machine indexing cam mechanism in the specific instance, proposed a design of the cam curve of the new ideas, making the cam with the dynamic response phase closer to the desired law of motion.
    In the camshaft profile machining, if the camshaft uniform rotation, the cutting point of grinding is very large changes in velocity and acceleration, maximum speed and minimum grinding grinding up to 16 times the speed difference [1]. Grinding speed change is caused by one of the main cam profile errors. Maximum error of the cam profile position, near the maximum grinding speed. Currently using a segmented approach to reduce the maximum speed grinding speed, thereby reducing the maximum error of the cam profile. In order to further improve the precision cam, camshaft profile machining this paper, the constant grinding of the calculation. Profiling for the design of constant grinding and transform the existing camshaft grinding machines, providing a key technology theory.
    In summary, the completion of the cam design process requires a daunting task. Designers should first establish the correct design, and strive to master advanced science and technology knowledge and science of the dialectical way of thinking. At the same time, but also to integrate theory with practice, and in practice, constantly sum up and accumulated design experience, to the related fields of science and technology workers and workers engaged in production practices learning, continuous development and innovation in order to better complete the cam design task.

     Keywords: cam; rate fluctuations; dynamic response; camshaft; profile machining; constant grinding

目  录

摘 要 3

Abstract 4

绪 论 1

第1章 单片凸轮机构简介 2

1.1  概述 2

1.2 常用的从动件运动规律 3

1.3 图解法设计凸轮轮廓 6

1.4 单片凸轮机构基本尺寸的确定 9

第2章 考虑输入轴速度波动时的凸轮曲线设计 12

2.1模切机简介 12

2.2输入轴速度波动对单片凸轮机构动态响应的影晌 13

2.3考虑输入轴速度波动时凸轮曲线的设计 14

第3章 凸轮轴仿形加工的恒速磨削 18

3.1凸轮轴仿形加工的基本原理 18

3.2凸轮轴仿形加工的恒速磨削 18

第4章 平底摆动推杆盘形凸轮实际廓线曲率半径 21

4.1采用直角坐标系而不用极坐标系 21

4.2平底摆动从动件盘形凸轮实际轮廓线通用公式 21

4.3可判断凸轮凹凸性的曲率半径公式 22

结 论 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

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