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学位论文作者签名(手写): 指导老师签名(手写):
签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日
摘 要
关键词:数控加工工艺;数控编程 ;加工精度; 刀具设计;加工路线
CNC machining process to consider the process of machining parts, machined parts locating datum and clamping methods, but also select the tool, the development of process routes, cutting method and process parameters, which are in the conventional process can be simplified. Therefore, the CNC machining process than normal processing is much more complex factors are many, it is necessary for the whole process of NC programming a comprehensive analysis, reasonable arrangement, and overall improvement. CNC machining the same task, you can have multiple CNC technology program, can choose to process parts of the arrangement process as the main line, you can also choose to process as the main tool to arrange the process. CNC machining process of diversification is a feature of CNC machining technology, the traditional processing technology with a significant difference. I arranged to process parts of the main line processing.
This paper studies the content of the processing of a curvature, slope, threaded, blind holes and other features of the shaft, the shaft has been designed at the beginning of processing before the appearance of careful study of its characteristics to understand the parts to be processed after the completion of achieve the accuracy required to select the machine tools, positioning the base, clamping methods, processing order, and so the content, you can manually process and the need to distinguish between automatic processing operations, in the process find their shortcomings to be corrected quickly to achieve the purpose of learning by doing.
Keywords: CNC machining process; CNC programming; processing accuracy; tool design; processing route
目 录
摘 要 3
Abstract 4
第1章 引言 6
1.1 背景及意义 6
1.1.1论文选题背景 6
1.1.2论文选题意义 6
1.2 本论文的选题依据和研究内容 7
第2章 加工中心概述 8
2.1 加工中心的概念和主要优势 8
2.1.1车削加工中心 8
2.1.2镗铣加工中心 8
2.1.3复合加工中心 8
2.2 镗铣加工中心的两种类型 10
2.2.1CNC加工中心的两种基本类型设计 10
2.2.2典型JCS一018A型立式镗铣加工中心介绍 10
2.2.3卧式镗铣加工中心 12
2.3 加工中心组成、特点 13
2.3.1加工中心的组成部分 13
2.3.2加工中心在结构上具有以下这些特点: 13
2.3.33适宜加工中心加工的内容 13
第2章 图纸的分析及工艺处理 15
2.1 零件加工工艺分析 15
2.2 定位基准的选择 16
2.3 刀具走刀路线的确定 16
2.4 车螺纹时轴向进给距离的分析 17
2.5 工件的装夹与夹具的选择 17
2.5.1刀具的选择 17
2.5.2切削用量的确定 20
第3章 程序的编程 21
3.1 零件加工程序 21
3.2实操的刀具安装及对刀操作 24
1、数控车刀在数控机床刀架上的安装条件及要求: 24
2、外圆车刀的对刀操作 25
3、加工顺序的编制 25
3.3程序检验 33
第4章 总 结 34
参考文献 35
致 谢 36