目 录
1.引言.... 3
1.1 研究动机... 3
1.2 开发背景... 3
1.3 课题意义... 4
1.4 国内网站开发与现状... 4
2.主要相关知识及技术.... 5
2.1关于建站... 5
2.2 Dreamweaver简介... 6
2.3 IIS简介... 7
2.4 ASP技术简介... 7
2.5 VBScript 及JavaScript 工具介绍... 8
3.可行性分析.... 9
3.1 技术可行性分析... 9
3.2 经济可行性分析... 9
3.3 社会因素可行性分析... 10
4. 需求分析[8] 11
4.1 功能需求... 11
4.2 性能分析... 11
4.3 将来可能实现的功能... 12
5.详细设计.... 12
5.1 ASP程序设计准备... 12
5.2 系统框架介绍... 15
5.3 登录及注册的实现... 16
5.4 个人用户登录管理... 18
5.5 企业控制中心... 20
5.6 后台管理的设计... 20
5.7 系统的运行... 22
7.结束语.... 24
参考文献.... 25
附录A 系统使用说明.... 26
附录B 源程序清单.... 27
致 谢.... 40
摘 要:本文主要介绍了在线招聘系统的设计、实现及维护。本系统实现了客户在该网站上进行招聘信息的访问以及提交、发布客户相关信息资料等功能。系统分为两部分:前台和后台管理。前台部分包括以下几个模块:就业动态、个人求职、企业招聘、就业指导、就业指南、政策法规、职业生涯、就业咨询、关于系统。
Design and Realization of Online Recruitment System
Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the design, realization and maintenance of Online Recruitment System. The customers of the website can submit employment information or visit relevant information by this system. The system is divided into two parts: front and background management. The front part includes the following modules: employment trend, personal job searching, company recruitment, employment guidance, employment guide, policies and regulations, employment career, employment advice, and something about the system.
This system is developed with ASP programming technology which is based on HTML language and nested VBScript source code, and it is circulated on IIS services platform to achieve establishment of an online recruitment system. This article elaborates website development environment, operating platform, ASP, HTML scripts and VBScript. The background database uses ACCESS database to administrate the whole of background data of this system.
The development of this system mostly includes establishment and maintenance of background database and development of front applications. For the former, the system builds a database whose data is strongly consistent, integrate and secure. And for the latter, it is equipped with the features of perfect applications’ functions and easy to use, and so on.
Key Words: Online Recruitment; Database; ASP
1.1 研究动机
(1) 招聘会定期召开,过期没有交流的机会
(2) 招聘会人数众多,很难管理
(3) 空间有限不利交流