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内   容   摘  要
关键词: 项目    控件    变量    类
English  Abstract
The outpatient service drugs management system management system may to Each drugs factory, hospital merchant's each warehouse carry on the management.
Uses the operation to be simple, facilitates Yi Xing. May enhance thestorage management the efficiency. This article elaborated the question which outpatient service drugs management system managementsystem central plane is near. Has realized the storage managementfunction using the VF6.0 application software. This systematic hostwindow has used the succinct bright menu form, each function isclearly discernible. The total warehouse operation contact surface maytransfer the different warehouse database, for instance acts according to some item of fitting the name, information and so on kind of model carries on the quite simple inquiry, and may complete in the warehouse data sheet each recording deletion, the renewal and the browsing, as well as increases the recent data in the data sheet. In goes into storage in the storehouse table list, first searches the recording which must operate to be allowed to carry on goes into storage the operation, if in the storehouse has not  had to do the recording may increase the new cargo, if the storehouse number is bigger than the stock then the system prompt stock is insufficient and returns to at first the contact surface. In the fuzzy questionnaire list, has the detailed statistical report form function. May act according to the
different request to carry on the limit to in database table anyfield, in order to searches more accurate information. Also has function and so on printing preservation, also is the report form basic function. Causes in browsing each warehouse which the superintendent may facilitate different cargo basic situation, causes it to be clear.
Key wordProject  Controls    Variable    Kind
第一章     引    言--------------------------------5
第二章     VF6.0的基本知识概论---------------------6
2.1  VF6.0的简介----------------------------------------6
2.2  VF的面向对象技术-----------------------------------7
2.3  窗体的主要属性和识别事件---------------------------7
2.4  常用控件的使用-------------------------------------8
2.5  菜单的设计-----------------------------------------9
第三章 数据库--------------------------------------10
3.1  数据库的建立和访问---------------------------------10
3.2  数据表的建立---------------------------------------11
3.3  数据表的添加---------------------------------------11
3.4  数据表的访问---------------------------------------11
3.5  数据表的删除---------------------------------------12
3.6  用数据控件访问数据库------------------------------12
3.7  SQL语言的特点-------------------------------------12
第四章 门诊药品管理系统----------------------------15
4.1  系 统 设 计----------------------------------------15
4.2  创 建 项 目 管 理 器-------------------------------17
4.3  数 据 库 设 计-------------------------------------17
4.4  数据库结构设计-------------------------------------17
4.5 表单------------------------------------------------20
4.5.1 登陆界面表单设计-----------------------------20
4.5.2 出入库日常业务操作表单设计-------------------22
4.5.3 库存表单设计---------------------------------24
4.5.4 查询统计表单设计-----------------------------26
4.5.5 报表管理表单设计-----------------------------27
4.5.6 基础信息管理表单设计-------------------------29
4.5.7 系统管理表单设计-----------------------------30
4.5.8 帮助表单设计---------------------------------31
4.6 菜单设计程序---------------------------------------33
4.7 主程序及菜单程序-----------------------------------33
4.8 系统调试-------------------------------------------37
第五章 总结---------------------------------------39
第一章     引    言
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