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目   录

摘  要... 1
Abstract 2
第1章         绪论... 1
1.1企业采购管理系统概述... 1
1.1.1企业采购管理的概念... 1
1.1.2传统企业采购的弊端... 1
1.1.3企业采购中常遇的问题... 2
1.2企业采购管理系统的展望... 2
第2章         PowerBuilder基础... 4
2.1应用程序设计... 4
2.1.1客户/服务器应用程序... 4
2.1.2应用程序开发步骤简述... 5
2.2 PB开发规范... 7
2.2.1 PB开发标准与命名约定... 7
2.2.2 PB开发界面规范... 11
2.3嵌入SQL语句... 13
第3章         采购管理系统总体设计... 21
3.1项目概述... 21
3.2业务可行性分析... 22
3.3系统开发环境... 23
3.3.1硬件环境... 23
3.3.2软件环境... 24
3.4数据库访问模式... 28
3.5系统设计概述... 29
3.6采购流程图... 32
第4章         子系统设计及其实现... 33
4.1系统结构... 33
4.2数据库设计... 35
4.2.1管理ODBC数据源... 35
4.2.2系统数据库表格设计... 37
4.3系统菜单的设计... 41
4.4登陆窗口设计... 45
4.5主窗口设计... 48
4.6用户管理... 49
4.7系统日志管理... 50
4.8修改密码窗口设计... 52
4.9供应商信息管理... 54
4.10员工信息管理... 55
4.11订单管理... 56
第5章         安装与发布... 57
5.1 Wise Installer介绍... 57
5.2 数据库驱动程序及ODBC数据库接口文件... 57
结束语... 59
致  谢... 60
参考文献... 61

摘  要
本课题就是针对企业的采购管理,开发一个基于C/S(Client/Server)构架的管理系统,我采用了目前流行的Powerbuilder做开发工具,后台采用SQL Server数据库。其中系统涉及系统管理、基础数据、单据录入三大模块。系统管理模块包括:用户管理、日志管理、修改密码、注销、退出系统。基础数据模块包括:产品编码、供应商信息、员工信息、仓库信息、商品信息。单据录入模块包括:订单管理、外销清单、内销清单、入库单、出库单。论文首先全面而系统地研究了构建一个企业采购网络管理系统所必备的各种知识和技术手段,进行系统可行性分析,介绍系统开发环境,设计系统数据库,规划企业采购流程,接下来进行系统总体设计,子系统的开发与实现,最后是测试、安装与发布的说明。

关键词:C/S;PowerBuilder;SQL Server;企业采购
With the development of the information technology and the prevalence of the ERP system, it is hardly to ignore the play of the computer in enterprise management. It is more apparent that many commercial actions among many enterprises are taking place in the network. Under the circumstances, purchasing management, which is an important link of enterprise operation, must be strengthened firstly. Then, purchasing management will be put into execution with the good condition, which the outer circumstances provide. Aiming at the management in enterprise, the system, which will be put into execution with LAN, will make the management in enterprise better.
The thesis aims at the purchasing management in enterprise, which is based on C/S(Client/Server) structure. I choose the prevalent PowerBuilder as development tool, and SQL Server as  background database. The system includes three modules: system management, basal data, enter bill of document. system management module includes: users management, log file management, amending password, logout, exit. basal data module includes: production coding, supplier information, employee information, storage information, commodity information. enter bill of document module includes: order form management, export bill, sale in domestic market, bill of enter and out of storage. Starting with conceiving an application system of purchasing management in enterprise, we need to investigate the knowledge and the technique, then analyse the feasibility of the system, introduce the develop environment, design database and the flow of the purchasing management. The following is that whole-design, developing subsystem, the instruction of testing, installation and issuance.
During the course of writing this article, the author strives to integrate theory and practice. While expatiating the theory of purchasing management in enterprise, the author illuminates the application and operation skill combining the system so as to make a better understanding to purchasing management in enterprise.

Keywords: C/S; PowerBuilder; SQL Server; purchasing management

第1章   绪论
              采购是公司生产产品及维护正常运作而必须消耗的物品及必须配置的设施之购入活动的总称, 是公司成本控制的重点。企业采购网络管理系统,就是专门服务于企业采购的管理系统。
上述是一个完整的采购业务流程,在实际操作中有些流程如询价/报价在很多企业中不是每次都进行的,该流程主要缺点是: 物料管理、采购管理、供应商管理由一个职能部门来完成,缺乏必要的监督和控制机制;同时在这种模式下,供应部(科)担负着维系生产原材料供给的重任,为保证原材料的正常供应,必然会加大采购量, 尤其是在原料涨价时,这样容易带来不必要的库存积压和增加大量的应付帐款。

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