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摘   要

本文将要介绍的软件就是一个多功能学单词软件,主要介绍了这个软件制作环境,制作流程,对数据库的操作以及它的使用方法。用户可以根据自己的需要去查询单词,添加单词,删除单词,编辑单词等。另外,它还给单词学习者们提供了一个背单词的好方法。每一个用户都可以通过创建一个用户名来背诵单词,随时查看自己的历史记录,以便确定自己的背诵进度。本文从软件工程的角度进行了详细的阐述。该系统的开发工具是powerbuilder 9.0,使用的数据库为Adapt Server Anywhere 。

关键词 :电子词典,powerbuilder,数据库


20 half after centuries leaf, with computer for representative of the development that modern science acquires to advance by leaps and bounds combine quick combine together with the people's daily life.The calculator technical development and progresses also make the naissance of the electronics language  Electron Dictionary make possible.Although only ten  histories of the next years, the electronics Electron Dictionary has already developped quickly strong, become having a member of the prosperous vitality in the Electron Dictionary household.Though it is still not enough to replace the traditional Electron Dictionary currently, in English study and teaching, because of it practical, fast, accurate, economy etc. characteristics, have already become the emollient competitor of the traditional English-to-Chinese  Electron Dictionary , and put forward the challenge to the traditional Electron Dictionary .
The software that this text will introduce is a multi-function learn the single phrase software, mainly introduced this software  manufacture environment, the manufacture process, to operation and its operation methods of the database.The customer can search the single phrase according to own demand, increasing the single phrase, deleting the single phrase, editting single phrase etc..Moreover, it returned to provide a good method that carries on the back the single phrase for the single phrase  learners.Each customer can pass to establish an user's name to recite from memory the single phrase.At any time look into own history record, for the purpose of assurance recite from memory the degree of progress ownly.Carried on to elaborate carefully from the angle of the software engineering.It is Adapt Server Anywhere that the development tool of that system is the powerbuilder 9.0  databases of the usages.


Key Words:The Electron Dictionary , powerbuilder 9.0, Adapt Server Anywhere
目 录
前   言... 1
第一章 系统分析... 2
1.1 系统目标... 2
1.2 系统需求分析... 2
第二章 系统总体设计... 3
2.1 系统设计思想... 3
2.2 功能设计细节问题... 3
2.3 系统功能结构设计... 4
2.4 模块功能说明... 5
2.5 开发工具和环境... 6
2.5.1 总体开发工具及环境... 6
2.5.2 开发工具简介... 7
第三章 数据库的开发与设计... 9
3.1 数据库需求分析... 9
3.2 系统逻辑分析... 10
3.3 数据库的连接... 11
3.3.1 程序设计时与数据库的连接... 12
3.3.2程序运行时与数据库的连接... 12
第四章 关键模块页面和代码设计... 14
4.1 应用程序对象设计... 14
4.2 软件封面设计... 14
4.3 软件主界面设计... 16
4.4 查询功能模块设计... 18
4.5 轻松背单词模块设计... 19
4.6 词库管理模块设计... 22
第五章 系统测试... 25
5.1 系统测试环境... 25
5.2功能测试... 25
第六章 系统发布... 28
6.1 创建工程对象... 28
6.2  发布... 29
结  论... 30
致  谢... 31
参考文献... 32
附 录... 33

前   言
电子词典诞生于80年代末期。如今市场上流行的有几十个品牌,数百个品种,集成了十几种甚至百余种功能,容量也从刚开始时的一万左右到现在的几万,十几万,有些品种则包含了几本不同词典的全部内容。现在大多数电子词典可以自由扩充词库,或从互联网上生产商的网站上下载词库,对词典进行自动更新。这对传统词典而言,其修订周期最少也得5到7年,这种袖珍电子词典已经成为学生的必备学习工具,据调查,在广州,上海,北京等大城市中,电子词典在高中生中的持有率已经接近 50%,在大学生中持有率也不断上升。目前市场商的主流电子词典有:文曲星、快译通、好易通、名人等系列产品。除了主要用于查询单词以外所有掌上电子词典都或多或少的提供其他的辅助功能。

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