摘 要
Expert system is a branch of artificial intelligence, its development speed is very fast, the application of expert system already permeate ,such numerous fields as physics , chemistry , medical science ,etc.. Almost all the expert systems can bring people's efficiency up to about 10 times at least.
This system utilizes PowerBuilder 9.0 according to the theory knowledge of artificial intelligence and expert system. The purpose of the system is to realize the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes in order to utilize computer simulation human expert.
The paper introduce the principle and structure of expert system , It explained the design of knowledge base, reasoning machine , database , interactive interface, explaining device and implementation method in detail. During the development the expert system I use all I have learnt to make the system run correctly and eccectively.
Key word: Expert system, the database , PowerBuilder, artificial intelligence
前言... 1
第一章人工智能概述... 2
1.1 人工智能定义... 2
1.2 人工智能应用领域... 2
1.3人工智能的研究方法... 2
第二章 专家系统理论... 4
2.1 专家系统的定义... 4
2.2 专家系统的产生和发展... 4
2.3 专家系统特点... 5
2.4 专家系统的结构和工作原理... 6
2.4.1专家系统的结构... 6
2.4.2专家系统的工作原理... 7
2.5 专家系统的建立... 9
2.5.1 专家系统求解的问题... 9
2.5.2 专家系统开发步骤... 9
第三章 糖尿病知识库设计... 10
3.1糖尿病基础知识... 10
3.2 糖尿病专家诊断标准(知识库的设计)... 12
3.2.1 糖尿病确诊树... 12
3.2.2 糖尿病分型树... 12
3.2.2 糖尿病分型树... 13
3.2.3 糖尿病急性诊断... 14
3.2.4 糖尿病慢性诊断... 15
3.3二型糖尿病治疗方案... 16
第四章 系统分析... 17
4.1系统目标... 17
4.2 系统需求分析... 17
4.3 系统功能结构设计... 17
4.4设计思想... 18
4.5 开发环境介绍... 19
4.5.1总体开发环境... 19
4.5.2 开发工具简介... 19
4.6 数据库设计... 20
4.7数据库连接... 20
4.7.1程序设计时与数据库的连接... 20
4.7.2程序运行时与数据库的连接... 21
第五章 关键模块代码设计... 22
5.1 应用程序对象设计... 22
5.2 主界面设计... 23
5.3 糖尿病初步诊断窗口设计... 25
5.4 糖尿病慢性诊断窗口... 31
5.5 糖尿病预防模块... 31
5.5 糖尿病预防模块... 32
5.6 糖尿病治疗模块... 32
5.7 血糖检测模块... 33
第六章 系统的编译和发布... 34
6.1 创建工程对象... 34
6.2 编译生成和测试... 34
6.3 发布... 35
第七章 结 论... 36
致 谢... 37
参考文献... 38
附 录... 39