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2025年3月21日 星期五
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基于plc的上下料机械手控制系统设计 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目   录

目   录 

摘   要 


第一章  绪论 

1.1  研究的目的及意义 

1.2  机械手在国内外现状和发展趋势 

1.3  主要研究的内容 

1.4  解决的关键问题 

第二章 可编程控制PLC 

2.1 PLC 简介 

2.2  PLC的基本组成及各部分作用 



2.2.3 I/0单元 





第三章  驱动系统的分析与选择 

3.1  驱动系统的分析与选择 

3.2  机械手驱动系统的控制设计 

3.3  元件选取及工作原理 

3.3.1  气源装置 

3.3.2  执行元件 

3.3.3  控制元件 

3.3.4  辅助元件 

3.3.5  真空发生器 

3.3.6  吸盘 

3.4  回路的工作原理 

第四章  控制系统的分析设计 

4.1  控制系统的组成结构 

4.2  控制系统的性能要求 

4.3  传感器的选择 

4.3.1  位置检测装置 

4.3.2  滑觉传感器 

4.3.3  视觉传感器 

4.4  控制系统PLC的选型及控制原理 

4.4.1  PLC控制系统设计的基本原则 

4.4.2  PLC种类及型号选择 

4.4.3  I/O点数分配 

4.4.4  PLC外部接线图 

4.4.5  机械手控制原理 

4.5  PLC程序设计 

4.5.1  总体程序框图 

4.5.2  初始化及报警程序 

4.5.3  手动控制程序 

4.5.4  自动控制程序 

第五章  总结与展望 


致  谢 

附  录 

附录1 程序流程图 

附录2 顺序功能图 

附录3 梯形图 

附录4 指令表 

摘   要




关键词: 机械手;交流电机;可编程逻辑控制器(PLC);自动化控制;系统设计


The purpose of this paper is to design a loading manipulator control system based on programmable logic controller (PLC). The system combines advanced programmable control technology, position control technology and detection technology, and is one of the important applications of mechatronics. The manipulator uses mechanical devices such as ball-wire rod and slide rod to construct its mechanical structure, and realizes electrical control through electronic devices such as AC motor, frequency converter and sensor. The system output pulse signal through PLC and drives the frequency converter of horizontal and vertical shaft to realize the precise positioning of the manipulator. The position signal is fed back to the PLC by the micro switch and proximity switch. By controlling the positive and reverse of the AC motor, the opening action of the manipulator claw is realized, so as to complete the task of material handling. The manipulator has the characteristics of flexible and diverse movements, can adapt to the requirements of different workpiece and movement process, can replace manual operation in high temperature and dangerous operation areas, and can adjust the relevant parameters at any time according to the actual needs.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the development situation of the manipulator in recent years, combined with the specific design requirements, the overall structure, actuator, drive system and control system of the manipulator are analyzed and designed in detail. In the drive system, the control system uses PLC as the core control unit to initiate the system function, mobile control of manipulator, fault alarm and other functions. By optimizing the hardware and software design, a simple, easy to implement and theoretically clear control strategy is proposed.

This study finally proposes an economical, practical and highly reliable manipulator design scheme, which not only meets the actual needs of loading and unloading operation, but also provides a useful reference for the design of other economical PLC control systems.

Key words: manipulator; AC motor; programmable logic controller (PLC); automatic control; system design

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