通过在筒体内增设可调节开度的导流口,改善了旋风分离器内的 场,使得分离器的捕集细粉能力有了显著的提高,为现行组合式选粉机改造拓展了市场。
关键词:选粉机,双出风口分离器,圈流粉磨 ,平面涡流
The Design of FXS900 Combination Separator and Cyclone Collector with Double Outlet for Dust
Abstract: The separator is a major equipment of the circle grinding system. Through the separator’s choice of the size of the power, it reduces the chance that thin power return to the ball mill, solves the problem of buffer action to the thick power grinding, enhances the grinding rate, and improves the energy efficiency. This graduated course is the design of FXS900 combination separator. It is a high efficiency separator, which is based on the cyclone separator. This design absorbed the advanced Suspension Technology Plane Vortex Technology of O-SEPA separator, and also absorbed Cyclones Collecting Technology of cyclone separator .And around the separator, there are a fewer of cyclone collectors which are used to collect the thin power. The contents of this design are overall design of FXS900 combination separator and design of Cyclone Collector with Double Outlet for Dust . In the design of the separator, at first, calculate the air amount choose the air fan ,then confirm the diameters of the dust separator room and rotor. After calculate the rotor speed of main shaft and the power capacity, choose the electromotor and decelerate machine. The cyclone collector’s design is the point of my design. Design of the structural of the cyclone collector with double outlet for dust is based on the traditional cyclone collector. There are three imperfections on the traditional cyclone collector:http://www.16sheji8.cn/
a. The airflow in the center of the cyclone collector is a strong swirling flow. The uselessness gas pressure loss is 65% of the total loss.
b. Between the upper air import and outlet ,there is a short-circuit faultc.
c. The air-flow at the outlet of dust steer and bring on the micro dust which has ground settlement mixes again. Increase an adjustable opening degree construction diversion in the barrel part .It improves the stream field and the ability of catching the micro dust. It expands the market for existing Combination Separator.
Key words: separator; cyclones separator with Double Outlet for Dust; circle grinding system; plane eddy
目 录
1前言 1
2总体方案论证 3
2.1组合式选粉机的工作原理 3
2.2设计方案的选择 4
2.3设备性能特点 4
2.4主要技术参数的设计计算 5
2.4.1 风量计算 6
2.4.2风机的选型 6
2.4.3选粉室直径与转子直径的确定 6
2.4.4主轴转速的确定 6
2.4.5选粉机需要功率的计算 7
2.4.6电动机功率的确定 8
2.5选择电动机 8http://www.16sheji8.cn/
2.6选择减速机 9
2.7双出风口旋风筒的方案设计 9
2.8 转子部件的方案设计 9
2.9壳体部件的方案设计 9
3双出风口旋风分离器设计 10
3.1旋风分离器工作原理 10
3.2双出风口旋风分离器结构设计 12
3.2.1旋风筒结构形式对性能的影响 12
3.2.2旋风分离器分离器主要尺寸的计算 14
3.2.3旋风分离器的结构设计和相关尺寸设计 14
4选粉机的安装、操作、维护及检修 19
4.1安装要求 19
4.2操作 19
4.3维护 19
4.4检修及注意事项 20
4.5产品细度的调节 20
4.6常见故障的处理方法 20
5工艺平衡计算 21
5.1设计水泥粉磨工艺图 21
5.2根据物料平衡对设备进行选型计算 21
6结论 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 25
附 录 26