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天仁堂药房线上销售系统的开发 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要











In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology, information has penetrated into all aspects of people's life, and people's acceptance of the online sales model is increasing, gradually changing from the initial distrust to a kind of shopping dependence. In this context, Chinese enterprises have set foot in the network field to seek new development opportunities. As an indispensable product in People's Daily life, the safety and efficiency of drugs are the core standards to measure the quality of drugs. Therefore, good management is particularly important in the process of drug turnover.

In order to meet the market demand and improve the efficiency and management level of drug sales, Tianrentang Pharmacy decided to develop an online sales system. This system is mainly developed based on Java language, using Mysql database for data storage. Through structural analysis method, the development process and operation process of Tianrentang pharmacy online sales system are elaborated in detail.

In the process of system development, we first conducted an in-depth research on the market demand, and defined the functional requirements of the system. The system mainly implements the following functions:

User functions: Users can log in and register through the system, check the product details, purchase and other basic operations. The system provides a friendly user interface for users to select and purchase drugs.

Administrator function: the administrator can log in the system, add, delete, change or check the drugs entering and leaving the library, and manage the drug category. These functions help administrators to better grasp the drug inventory situation and improve the management efficiency.

Super administrator function: In addition to all the administrator privileges, the super administrator can also manage the supplier. This helps enterprises to better control the source of drugs and ensure the drug quality.

The development of the online sales system of Tianrentang Pharmacy not only helps enterprises to save costs and improve efficiency, but also enables leaders to better understand the dynamics of drugs and intuitively grasp the needs of the user. At the same time, the system also provides customers with a more secure and secure purchase environment, improve customer satisfaction.

This system is developed in Java language and has cross-platform and strong portability. Meanwhile, the use of Mysql database also ensures the security and stability of the system data. Through the development of this system, we further master the software development process and technology, improve their own comprehensive quality and ability.

Key words: drugs; mall system; Java; Mysql; online sales system

目  录

摘  要 


1. 绪论 

1.1 本课题的研究背景 

1.2 国内外研究现状 

1.3 本课题的主要工作 

1.4 目的和意义 

2. 开发工具及技术 


2.1.1 MyEclipse 

2.1.2 Tomcat 

2.1.3 Mysql 

2.2 开发技术 

2.2.1 JSP 

2.2.2 MyBatis 

2.2.3 JavaScript 

2.2.4 jQuery以及jQuery EasyUI 

2.3 软硬件需求 

3. 需求分析 

3.1 需求调研 

3.2 可行性分析 

3.2.1 技术的可行性 

3.2.2 经济的可行性 

3.2.3 操作可行性 

3.2.4 法律的可行性 

3.3 系统用户用例图 

3.4 功能需求 

3.4.1 用户功能模块图说明 

3.4.2 管理员功能模块图说明 

3.4.3 超级管理员功能模块图说明 

3.5 设计的基本思想 

3.6 性能需求 

3.7 权限需求 

3.8 数据需求 

3.9 界面需求 

4. 数据库的分析与设计 

4.1 数据库的概念结构设计 

4.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计 

4.3 数据库的连接原理 

4.3.1 JDBC 

4.3.2 MyBatis 

5. 系统实现 

5. 系统UI界面设计和前端设计 

5.1 登陆页面实现 

5.2 注册页面实现 

5.8 药品页面实现 

5.9 购买功能实现 

5.9.1 购物车页面 

5.9.2 确定订单页面 

5.9.3 订单页面 

5.11 主页面实现 

5.1 用户信息管理 

5.1.1 用户信息录入 

5.1.2 用户信息修改 

5.1.3 用户信息删除 

5.1.4 用户信息查询 

5.2 药品信息管理 

5.2.1 药品信息录入 

5.2.2 药品信息修改 

5.2.3 药品信息删除 

5.2.4 药品信息查询 

5.3 厂家信息管理 

5.3.1 厂家信息录入 

5.3.2 厂家信息修改 

5.3.1 厂家信息删除 

5.3.2 厂家信息查询 

5.4 订单信息管理 

5.4.1 订单信息录入 

5.4.2 订单信息修改 

5.4.3 订单信息删除 

5.4.4 订单信息查询 

5.5 入库信息管理 

5.5.1 入库信息录入 

5.5.2 入库信息修改 

5.5.3 入库信息删除 

5.5.4 入库信息查询 

结  论 


致  谢 

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