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某边坡治理工程设计 手算说明书(论文)+电算书+任务书+开题报告+答辩记录+指导记录+评阅意见+评分表+CAD图纸+维普监测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目  录

摘  要 


第1章 引言 

第2章 边坡工程地质条件 

2.1 地理位置 

2.2 气象 

2.3 水文 

2.4 地形地貌 

2.5 地层岩性 

2.6 岩土工程特征 

2.7 地质构造 

2.8 地震 

2.9 其他条件 

第3章 边坡形态特征 

3.1 BC段边坡 

3.2 CD段边坡 

3.3 坡顶荷载 

3.4 边坡破坏模式 

第4章 边坡稳定性分析 

4.1 计算剖面选取 

4.2 计算工况 

4.3 稳定性计算方法 

4.3.1 边坡稳定性系数计算公式 

4.3.2 滑坡推力计算公式 

4.4 边坡安全等级 

4.5 设计标准 

4.6 岩土体参数确定 

4.7 计算过程 

4.8 稳定性分析结论 

第5章 边坡治理措施设计 

5.1 边坡防治原则及目标 

5.2 边坡防治设计方案的确定 

5.2.1 常用的边坡治理措施 

5.2.2 边坡治理方案比选 

5.2.3 治理措施方案确定 

5.3 BC段边坡支护设计 

5.3.1 主动土压力的计算 

5.3.2 确定挡土墙类型 

5.3.3 墙体材料 

5.3.4 墙身构造及尺寸 

5.3.5 抗滑移验算 

5.3.6 抗倾覆验算 

5.3.7 合力偏心距验算 

5.3.8 地基承载力验算 

5.3.9 墙身截面强度验算 

5.3.10 挡土墙整体验算 

5.4 CD段边坡支护 

5.4.1 侧向土压力计算 

5.4.2 锚拉桩概述 

5.4.3 抗滑桩计算 

5.4.4 内力计算结果汇总 

5.4.5 桩身配筋 

5.4.6 预应力锚索计算 

5.4.7 桩间挡土板 

第6章 施工技术要求 

6.1 挡土墙施工 

6.2 抗滑桩施工 

6.3 预应力锚索施工 

6.3.1 一般要求 

6.3.2 张拉要求 

6.3.3 注浆要求 

6.3.4 预应力锚索试验、质量检验 

6.4 桩间挡土板施工要求 

6.5 泄水孔 

6.6 其他要求 

第7章 主要结论及建议 

7.1 结论 

7.2 建议 

7.2.1 监测说明 








摘  要




Design of a slope treatment project in the southern new area of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province


A slope is a free surface with a certain inclination. When the slope is unstable and damaged, the losses caused are extremely serious, usually endangering life safety and property safety, and affecting social stability and order. During the construction of many buildings, slopes are often formed. If such slopes are not supported, it will bring serious consequences. Slopes formed due to excavation without support usually lead to landslides, collapses, and collapses. Given the serious consequences, slopes will be treated after formation. First, stability calculations will be conducted, and then appropriate treatment plans will be selected based on the calculation results to increase the safety reserve of the slope. Therefore, slope treatment is an important aspect in engineering construction.

This article takes the on-site survey report of the slope in the southern new area of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province as the relevant basis for the graduation design. It fully utilizes the professional course knowledge learned during undergraduate studies to carry out this graduation design. By consulting relevant materials, standardizing and utilizing the professional course textbooks learned during undergraduate studies, and under the guidance of teachers, the design of the governance measures for this project is completed. Before designing the support measures, the Lizheng software should be used to analyze the potential image of the slope, and then the Bishop method should be used to calculate the safety factor and landslide thrust of the slope. Relevant information should be used to evaluate the stability of the slope. Based on the evaluation results obtained, select the appropriate support structure, and according to the engineering survey report and relevant specifications, use gravity retaining walls, prestressed anchor cables, and anti-skid piles for different sections of the project for treatment. Finally, obtain the design of support measures for this project. Gravity retaining walls have good support effects on soil slopes and slopes with lower heights. Anti slip piles, anchor cables, and inter pile plates are an effective method for slopes with road environments at the foot of the slope. The combination of anchor cables and anti sliding piles can enhance the stability of the sliding body. By anchoring the anchor cables to the rock layer, the structural surface is compressed, and the reinforcement effect is good, thereby increasing the stability of the slope.

Key words:Slope stability analysis;Gravity retaining walls;Anchor pull piles

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