摘 要
Design of a slope treatment project in the southern new area of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province
A slope is a free surface with a certain inclination. When the slope is unstable and damaged, the losses caused are extremely serious, usually endangering life safety and property safety, and affecting social stability and order. During the construction of many buildings, slopes are often formed. If such slopes are not supported, it will bring serious consequences. Slopes formed due to excavation without support usually lead to landslides, collapses, and collapses. Given the serious consequences, slopes will be treated after formation. First, stability calculations will be conducted, and then appropriate treatment plans will be selected based on the calculation results to increase the safety reserve of the slope. Therefore, slope treatment is an important aspect in engineering construction.
This article takes the on-site survey report of the slope in the southern new area of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province as the relevant basis for the graduation design. It fully utilizes the professional course knowledge learned during undergraduate studies to carry out this graduation design. By consulting relevant materials, standardizing and utilizing the professional course textbooks learned during undergraduate studies, and under the guidance of teachers, the design of the governance measures for this project is completed. Before designing the support measures, the Lizheng software should be used to analyze the potential image of the slope, and then the Bishop method should be used to calculate the safety factor and landslide thrust of the slope. Relevant information should be used to evaluate the stability of the slope. Based on the evaluation results obtained, select the appropriate support structure, and according to the engineering survey report and relevant specifications, use gravity retaining walls, prestressed anchor cables, and anti-skid piles for different sections of the project for treatment. Finally, obtain the design of support measures for this project. Gravity retaining walls have good support effects on soil slopes and slopes with lower heights. Anti slip piles, anchor cables, and inter pile plates are an effective method for slopes with road environments at the foot of the slope. The combination of anchor cables and anti sliding piles can enhance the stability of the sliding body. By anchoring the anchor cables to the rock layer, the structural surface is compressed, and the reinforcement effect is good, thereby increasing the stability of the slope.
Key words:Slope stability analysis;Gravity retaining walls;Anchor pull piles