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基于PLC的智能照明控制系统的设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要

当前,众多校园内的照明管理体系普遍依赖于人工操作,这导致在高等教育机构的电力消耗中,照明用电占据了显著比例。由于长时间运行且依赖手动调控,不仅效率低下,还频繁引发资源浪费现象。其症结在于操作繁琐、维护挑战大,且易发生误操作,影响整体管理效能。鉴于此,本方案创新性地引入了西门子S7-200 PLC技术,旨在革新传统的人工照明管理模式。




关键词: PLC;照明系统;西门子S7-200;输出信号;智能控制系统


At present, the lighting management systems in many campuses generally rely on manual operation, which leads to a significant proportion of the electricity consumption in higher education institutions. Due to the long time operation and relying on manual regulation, it is not only inefficient, but also frequently causes resource waste phenomenon. The crux of the problem is the cumbersome operation, maintenance challenges, and prone to misoperation, affecting the overall management efficiency. In view of this, this scheme innovatively introduced Siemens S7-200 PLC technology, aiming to innovate the traditional artificial lighting management mode.

By integrating PLC intelligent control technology, we have built a stable and efficient campus lighting system. The system accurately covers many key areas such as road lighting, landscape lighting and public green space lighting. According to the control logic of PLC, we carefully designed the input and output (I / O) allocation scheme, and drew a detailed flow chart of the lighting system. Further, we wrote an intelligent control trapezoidal program for campus lighting needs to ensure that the system can accurately respond to all kinds of lighting needs.

During the simulation operation phase, the system demonstrated excellent adaptability and flexibility. Once the equipment fault or abnormal operation state is detected, the system can automatically switch to manual control mode, which is to facilitate timely troubleshooting and repair. After the fault is removed, the system can seamlessly connect back to the automatic control state to ensure the continuity and intelligence level of lighting management.

According to the actual calculation, the introduction of this intelligent lighting system makes the campus achieve a significant saving of more than 25% in electricity consumption per year, while extending the service life of lamps and reducing the maintenance cost. With its high degree of stability and reliability, the whole system has fully met the diversified needs of campus lighting, achieved the expected design goals, and made an important contribution to the construction of green campus and smart campus.

Key words: PLC; lighting system; Siemens S7-200; output signal; and intelligent control system

目  录

第一章 概  述 

1.1 选题背景和意义 

1.2 PLC的特点及其发展趋势 

1.3 PLC在国内外的发展状况 

1.4 本照明系统的特点 

第二章 智能照明控制系统总体方案论证 

2.1 智能照明控制系统设计的主要内容及基本要求 

2.1.1 主要内容 

2.1.2 基本要求 

2.2 智能照明控制系统设计的具体要求 

2.3 智能照明控制系统的结构和组成 

2.4 智能照明控制系统设计的基本步骤 

第三章 智能照明控制系统的硬件设计 


3.1.1 控制线路设计 

3.1.2 控制器的选型 

3.2 PLC的设计 

3.2.1 PLC在控制系统中的要求 

3.2.2 PLC选型 

3.2.3 S7-200系列PLC 

3.2.4 I/O地址分配 

第四章 智能照明控制系统的软件设计 

4.1 程序流程 

4.2 STEP7-Micro/WIN V4.0编程软件 

4.2.1 STEP7-Micro/WIN V4.0编程软件主界面及基本组成 

4.2.2 梯形图的编写 

4.2.3 时钟设置及读写 

4.3 系统的控制程序 

4.3.1 分时控制方案 

4.3.2 分时智能控制程序编制 

4.3.3 三时段控制程序 

4.3.4 季节自动选择程序 

4.4 编写梯形图程序 

第五章 控制程序的调试 

5.1 程序调试 

总  结 

参 考 文 献 

致  谢 


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