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基于51单片机的非接触式TN901红外测温仪设计 毕业论文+程序+原理图+资料
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





The technology of temperature measurement is used widespread, and it also important in the modern equipment failure examination field. But  in  some application domains, we needn’t the sensor contact with the measured object which used in temperature measurement, this needs a kind  of  non-contact temperature measurement to satisfies the demand and the design of this infrared thermometer is also based on the demand.

The design and structure will be designed hardware options, and using the new programmable temperature sensor TN901, its advantage is to be completed and SCM data acquisition and processing directly realize the convenience, high precision, stable performance, and without complex signal conditioning circuit and A / D converter circuit. TN901 does not need to make contact with the human body sensor, temperature sensor after, TN901 can sense temperature and directly into the AT89S51 microcontroller, after signal processing and microcontroller sent out by LCD1602 digital tube display. The advantage is that you can quickly and accurately measure the body temperature, compared with the traditional mercury thermometer, it has the advantage of high measurement accuracy, measurement time is short and easy to read.

KEYWORDS:the 51single;the TN901 infrared thermometer;the ED1602 LCD

目  录

摘  要


目  录


2 系统的原理及方案 3

2.1 温度测量技术的概述 3

2.2  红外测温原理及方法

2.3  红外测温系统的方案介绍

3 红外测温系统的硬件设计 8

3.1 单片机处理模块

3.2 红外测温模块 10

3.3 电源模块

3.4 键盘模块

3.5 LCD显示模块

4 红外测温系统的软件设计

4.1 主程序模块的设计

4.2 红外测温程序模块

4.3 键盘扫描程序模块

4.4 显示程序模块

结  论

致  谢


附录 一

附录 二

附录 三

附录 四 30

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