摘 要
关键词:带式输送机 传动滚筒 有限元
Belt-conveyor system is the most important transport equipment which can carry bulkmaterial. Belt-conveyor Pulley is the key transmission part in Belt-conveyor system. It hastwo functions, one is transferring power, and another is altering the operation direction of thebelt. The design quality of Belt-conveyor Pulley connects with systems security and reliabilityof the whole conveyor. At present, in our country, the design of the pulley usually adopts theapproximate formula, however, pulley that be designed out with such method can not meet theneed of manufacture, its security and reliability are difficult to guarantee. While lacking thesuitable calculation method of strength and stiffness about the pulley, if we increase the safecoefficient without enough reasons, the pulley become bigger and heavier. However thereliability of the pulley can’t be increased.
The main content includes the following respects: Firstly, the paper discusses structuraldesign and calculation of the belt conveyor pulley. The related formulas are corrected and acomplete design and calculation method are provided. Secondly,in order to improving the precision, the mapping gridmethod is carved up. After disperse the load on the pulley surface, we added the points load on the pulley node. The design methods are very important to thedesigner, and can shorten the design cycle and improve working efficiency.
Key Words: Belt-conveyor Driving Pulley Finite Element Method
目 录
摘要 ………………………………………………………………………………(Ⅰ)
第一章 绪论………………………………………………………………………(01)
第二章 带式输送机传动滚筒的结构……………………………………………(05)
2.1 结构与种类………………………………………………………………(07)
2.2 运行阻力…………………………………………………………………(10)
2.3 传动滚筒轴功率…………………………………………………………(10)
2.4 传动理论…………………………………………………………………(13)
2.5 传动滚筒的受力分析……………………………………………………(15)
第三章 传动滚筒的结构设计……………………………………………………(16)
3.1 滚筒失效形式与许用应力的确定………………………………………(18)
3.2 传动滚筒结构设计………………………………………………………(30)
第四章 传动滚筒有限元模型的建立与结果分析………………………………(31)
4.1 传动滚筒有限元模型的建立……………………………………………(35)
4.2 节点耦合与约束方程……………………………………………………(37)
4.3 载荷和约束………………………………………………………………(38)
4.4 求解和后处理……………………………………………………………(39)
4.5 结果分析…………………………………………………………………(41)
结论与建议 ………………………………………………………………………(42)
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………(43)