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自动清洗扫地机器人机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘    要











Cleaning robot is a kind of service robot which has been used at present. Many universities and institutions in our country have also studied and designed it. The market for cleaning robots will certainly be popular.

The main parts of the automatic cleaning robot designed in this paper include stepping motor, worm gear transmission mechanism, cleaning motor, driving wheel and universal wheel. The step motor drives the worm, and the worm wheel is connected at both ends. The two worm wheels are connected to the pulley, and the shaft on the pulley is connected with the brush to realize the cleaning.

The main contents of this paper include:

1) introduced the research status of automatic cleaning robot, the purpose of the research, and the key points of design.

2) the overall scheme design of the robot cleaning robot and the design of each part of the plan include the design of the shape, the design of the walking mechanism, the design of the cleaning mechanism, and the design of the garbage collection and processing mechanism. The key technology of automatic cleaning robot is introduced.

3) the structure design of the automatic cleaning robot includes the selection of dc motor, worm and worm gear, the motor of the cleaning mechanism, the battery, the cleaning shaft, etc., to check the bearing on the turboshaft worm shaft.

4) the robot control part introduction includes software design and hardware design.

By referring to the relevant design manual, the automatic cleaning robot designed in this paper can meet the design requirements.

Key words: cleaning robot; Stepping motor; Worm and gear mechanism; Cleaning way.

目    录

摘    要


1  绪 论 1

1.1  课题设计背景和题目要求  1

1.2  自动清扫机器人的研究现状 2

1.3  研究的目的和意义 8

1.4  设计的重点和难点 8

2  自动清扫机器人的方案设计 9

2.1  自动清扫机器人的总体方案 9

2.2  自动清扫机器人的关键技术 11

2.3  自动清扫机器人各部分方案设计.......................................................12

3  自动清扫机器人的结构设计 17

3.1  直流电机选择 17

3.2  蜗轮蜗杆的选择 17

3.3  清扫机构电机的选择...........................................................................19

3.4  自动清扫机器人电池的选用...............................................................19

3.5  清扫机构中蜗杆上轴承强度校核...............................................................20

3.6  清扫机构中涡轮轴的校核...................................................................22

3.7  带传动设计...........................................................................................23

3.8  清扫轴的基本参数计算.......................................................................25

4  自动清扫机器人控制部分介绍......................................................................27

4.2 自动清扫机器人的硬件设计.................................................................27

4.2 自动清扫机器人的软件设计.................................................................27

5  结  论 29

参 考 文 献 30

致    谢 42

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