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基于AFL的覆盖引导模糊测试优化技术研究 参考文献+相关数据+相关图片+毕业答辩PPT+毕业论文初稿+毕业论文定稿+成果验收PPT+开题报告+开题答辩PPT+课题检查报告+论文自评表+评阅意见+万方检
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘  要


(1)提出基于强化学习的随机变异调度策略。变异调度是指随机变异阶段每一次变异时变异算子的选择,现有的变异调度策略能为不同种子选择出较适合的变异算子,但是无法为种子的每个变异位置选择最有效的变异算子,针对上述问题提出一种位置自适应变异调度策略,该技术通过一种自定义的双层多臂老虎机模型为变异位置和变异算子建立联系,并且采用置信区间上界算法解决模糊测试场景中的多臂老虎机问题。基于AFL实现了位置自适应的模糊测试器Position-Adaptive Mutation Scheduling Strategy AFL(PAMSSAFL),实验结果表明,位置自适应的变异调度策略能明显提升模糊测试器的bug发现能力和覆盖能力。

(2)提出轻量级自适应敏感区域确定变异技术。确定变异阶段存在大量无效变异,将无效变异生成的测试用例输入到目标程序中执行会造成性能浪费。针对上述问题提出一种自适应敏感区域变异算法,该算法将变异后执行新路径的字节标记为敏感字节,并基于敏感字节延展形成敏感区域,将后续变异限制在敏感区域内,并且根据测试用例的执行结果自适应地调整种子的敏感区域,实现减少无效变异的目的。此外,为了更深入地探索敏感区域,设计了新的种子选择策略和修剪策略来配合敏感区域变异。将自适应敏感区域变异算法集成到AFL中,并将其命名为Sensitive-region-based Mutation American Fuzzy Lop(SMAFL)。实验结果表明,自适应敏感区域变异算法能够提升模糊测试器的探索效率。


(4)实现了新的覆盖引导模糊测试器Smart Coverage-guided Fuzzer(SmartCGF)。将基于强化学习的随机变异调度策略、轻量级自适应敏感区域确定变异技术和基于位运算的覆盖信息记录方案进行有机融合,实现了新的覆盖引导模糊测试器SmartCGF。实验结果表明,在可接受的额外开销的前提下,SmartCGF的漏洞挖掘能力和覆盖能力提升显著。



With the development of the Internet, application software has penetrated into all walks of life, greatly facilitating people's production and life, followed by software security issues. The defects in software are called bug. In addition to affecting the normal operation of software, the existence of bugs is more threatening to be found and used by attackers, thus causing privacy leakage and property losses. As an automated vulnerability mining technology, fuzzing has the advantages of strong scalability, low professional requirements, and wide applicability. Coverage-guided fuzzing is the most successful technology branch in the field of fuzzing in recent years. Its core idea is to track code coverage and use coverage information as feedback to guide the generation of input, so that testing moves towards higher code coverage. AFL is the most popular coverage-guided fuzzer, which is favored by security researchers because of its efficiency and scalability. The academic community has formed an AFL based coverage-guided fuzzing technology ecosystem. The coverage-guided fuzzing based on AFL mainly includes six modules: pretreatment, seed selection, deterministic mutation, random mutation, execution tracking and feedback guidance. Reasonable optimization of any of the above modules can still improve the speed, efficiency or pertinence of the fuzzer. After the previous research and analysis work, it is found that the following problems still exist in the technology ecosystem: First, in the random mutation stage, the existing random mutation scheduling strategy cannot select the most appropriate mutation operator for each mutation position of the seed. Second, there are a lot of invalid mutations in the deterministic mutation stage, and it will waste performance to input the test cases generated by invalid mutations into the target program for execution. Third, there is hash conflict in the instrumentation code inserted for the target program to record the coverage information in the preprocessing stage, resulting in inaccurate coverage information collected. In view of the above problems, this paper has designed optimization schemes and implemented new fuzzers. The main work is as follows:

(1) A random mutation scheduling strategy based on reinforcement learning is proposed. The mutation scheduling refers to the selection of mutation operators at each mutation in the random mutation stage. The existing mutation scheduling strategy can select more suitable mutation operator for different seeds, but it is unable to select the most effective mutation operator for each mutation position of a seed. To solve the above problem, a position-adaptive mutation scheduling strategy is proposed. This technology establishes the relationship between the mutation position and the mutation operator through a user-defined double-layer multi-armed bandit model, and uses the Upper Confidence Bound algorithm to solve the multi-armed bandit problem in the fuzzing scenario. PAMSSAFL(Position-Adaptive Mutation Scheduling Strategy AFL), a position-adaptive fuzzer, is implemented based on AFL. The experimental results show that the position-adaptive mutation scheduling strategy can significantly improve the bug detection ability and coverage ability of the fuzzer.

(2) A lightweight adaptive sensitive region determination mutation technique is proposed. There are a lot of invalid mutations in the deterministic mutation stage, and it will cause performance waste to input the test cases generated by the invalid mutations into the target program for execution. To solve the above problem, an adaptive sensitive region mutation algorithm is proposed. The algorithm marks the byte executing the new path after mutation as sensitive byte, and forms a sensitive region based on the extension of sensitive byte. The subsequent mutation is limited to the sensitive region, and the sensitive region of the seed is adaptively adjusted according to the execution results of the test case to reduce invalid mutations. In addition, in order to explore the sensitive region more deeply, new seed selection strategies and trimming strategies were designed to match the sensitive region mutation. The adaptive sensitive region mutation algorithm is integrated into AFL and named Sensitive-region-based Mutation AFL (SMAFL). The experimental results show that the adaptive sensitive region mutation algorithm can improve the exploration efficiency of the fuzzer.

(3) A coverage information recording scheme based on divide and conquer is proposed. Coverage-guided fuzzing uses coverage information to guide the direction of exploration, so the accuracy of coverage information to some extent determines the ability of fuzzers to detect vulnerabilities. AFL uses a bitmap to store the hit counts of edges as coverage information. Each edge is randomly assigned to a location in the bitmap, and the hit counts are recorded at that location. Due to the randomness of the allocation, different edges may store hit counts at the same location in the bitmap, that is, hash conflicts occur. Hash conflict leads to inaccurate coverage information and may even affect the exploration direction of the fuzzer. In view of the above problems, a quantitative analysis of the situation that causes hash conflict is carried out. According to the analysis results, a hash conflict mitigation scheme based on bit operation is proposed. The scheme divides the target program into small programs and large programs. For small programs, bit operation is used to solve hash conflict, and for large programs, rehash method is used to alleviate hash conflict. The scheme is implemented on top of AFL to form BitAFL. Experimental results show that the scheme can provide more accurate coverage information for AFL and improve coverage.

(4) A smart coverage-guided fuzzer (SmartCGF) is implemented. By organically integrating the random mutation scheduling strategy based on reinforcement learning, the lightweight adaptive sensitive region determination mutation technology and the coverage information recording scheme based on divide and conquer, the smart coverage-guided fuzzer SmartCGF is realized. The experimental results show that under the premise of acceptable additional overhead, the vulnerability mining ability and coverage ability of SmartCGF are significantly improved.

Key words:Software vulnerability, vulnerability mining, fuzzing, coverage, genetic algorithm, mutation

目  录

摘  要


目  录

图  录

表  录

第一章 绪论

1.1  研究背景与意义

1.2  研究现状

1.3  研究内容

1.4  章节安排

第二章 覆盖引导模糊测试技术介绍及相关研究

2.1  覆盖引导模糊测试

2.2  相关研究

2.2.1  预处理

2.2.2  种子选择

2.2.3  确定变异

2.2.4  随机变异

2.2.5  执行追踪

2.2.6  反馈指导

2.3  存在的问题

2.4  本章小结

第三章 基于强化学习的随机变异调度策略

3.1  概述

3.2  种子自适应变异调度策略

3.3  位置自适应变异调度策略

3.3.1  自定义双层多臂老虎机

3.3.2  强化学习算法


3.5  实验评估

3.5.1  实验设置

3.5.2  bug发现能力

3.5.3  覆盖能力

3.6  本章小结

第四章 轻量级自适应敏感区域确定变异技术

4.1  概述

4.2  研究动机

4.3  自适应敏感区域变异算法

4.3.1  形式化定义

4.3.2  算法流程

4.3.3  基于敏感区域的种子选择策略

4.3.4  基于敏感区域的修剪策略

4.4  SMAFL

4.5  实验评估

4.5.1  实验设置

4.5.2  实验结果

4.6  本章小结

第五章 基于位运算的覆盖信息记录方案

5.1  概述

5.2  背景知识介绍

5.2.1  哈希冲突

5.2.2  局部冲突与全局冲突

5.3  冲突情况剖析

5.4  基于位运算的覆盖信息记录方案

5.4.1  朴素的解决方案

5.4.2  位运算和再哈希法

5.4.3  存储过程

5.5  BitAFL

5.5.1  整体流程

5.5.2  实现细节

5.6  实验评估

5.6.1  实验设置

5.6.2  实验结果

5.7  本章小结

第六章 覆盖引导模糊测试器SmartCGF

6.1  系统流程

6.2  实验评估

6.2.1  实验设置

6.2.2  漏洞挖掘能力

6.2.3  覆盖能力

6.2.4  吞吐量

6.3  本章小结

第七章 总结与展望

7.1  本文工作总结

7.2  下一步工作展望

致  谢


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