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基于VHDL语言的乒乓游戏机电路的设计 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要




关 键 词:VHDL语言;QuartusⅡ;乒乓游戏机


Since the founding of new China, people have become increasingly fond of table tennis, which has become the national ball of China. In China, table tennis fans are much higher than other sports, which show that people love and attach importance to table tennis. With the continuous development of modern science and technology, the table tennis game not just confined to outside, more and more about table tennis game is designed, the designers greatly satisfied because of the limitations of various people cannot take place outdoors to play table tennis.

This article detailed introduces the ping-pong game based on VHDL language research present situation and problems of this design is to use VHDL hardware description language for programming, using the Quartus Ⅱ to modify and the simulation program. The table tennis game of this design is composed of four modules, respectively is a state of desktop module, 14-year-old module, decoding module and button image stabilization module composition of digital tube, their function is to control the operation of the entire game respectively, scoring was carried out on the game, integral decoding, make the game results can be displayed on the digital tube, to prevent the occurrence of burr, button signal result affected.

The final function of this design is consistent with the real table tennis competition. There are two players in the game, and when the other team cannot hit the ball or hit the ball early, the other team gets one point. Whoever gets 21 points first will win the game. The innovation of this design is to increase the complexity of the ping-pong game, making the game more interesting and different. And it USES automatic scoring and judging to reduce the difficulty of judging. The design with VHDL hardware description language shortens the time of game production, reduces the cost of game development, and reduces the power consumption.

Key words:VHDL Language; QuartusⅡ; Pingpong game


1绪论 1

1.1课题的背景和目的意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3课题研究的内容和创新点 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2研究创新点 3

2开发工具简介 4

2.1 EDA技术概述 4

2.1.1 EDA技术及其发展 4

2.1.2 EDA技术的优势 4

2.1.3 EDA设计流程 5

2.1.4 EDA工具 5

2.1.5 EDA的发展趋势 5

2.2 可编程逻辑器件介绍 6

2.3 VHDL硬件描述语言 7

2.3.1 VHDL语言概述 7

2.3.2 VHDL语言优势及不足 8

2.4 QuartusⅡ9.1开发软件介绍 8

3乒乓游戏机各模块设计 9

3.1乒乓游戏机的组成 9

3.2状态机模块 13

3.2.1状态机概述 13

3.2.2状态机设计思路 13

3.3数码管译码模块 21

3.4按键防抖模块 23

3.5计分器模块 25

4乒乓游戏机硬件测试 29

4.1乒乓游戏机的仿真流程 29

4.2乒乓游戏机的分模块仿真 32

5 结论 40

参考文献 41

辞谢 43

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