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基于时频分析与自适应滤波技术的多分量雷达信号提取与重建研究 硕士论文+程序验收清单+信号分离重建尝试记录+答辩PPT+MATLAB源码程序
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要









With the increasingly complex electromagnetic environment in the battlefield, the intercepted radar signal is increasingly complicated. The complexity is reflected in the superimposed components which is modulated differently. To obtain the type and parameters of each component  in  the complex signals is the key factor of correct identification and efficient interference to each radiation source in strategic decision. To correctly analyze  the intercepted multi-component radar signal, component extraction and reconstruction it is  inevitable processes. This paper focuses on  the extraction  and reconstruction of multi-component signals based on the time-frequency representation (TFR) of signals.

Firstly, the time-frequency characteristics and  sparse  characteristics  of radar signals are summarized. In  addition, the  laws of  time-frequency analysis  of multi-component radar signals is carried out. The inevitable balance between the interference suppression and signal fuzzification in the time-frequency analysis is found. Thus the adaptive direction quadratic TFR is introduced by adaptively selecting the optimal ambiguity domain direction kernel, the ideal equilibrium is achieved between interference suppression and  signal  fuzzification.

Secondly, in order to obtain the component structure of the signal, the instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation algorithm of the signal is studied. It is found that the existing algorithms may be wrong when the cross  component exists. Therefore, the gradient rotation method  is  introduced  to  enhance  the TFR image, and then a connection method based on endpoint gradient and curve fitting is proposed. Not only the IF tracking error of the component is eliminated, But also the estimation error is reduced.

Finally, based on the estimated IF, the time-varying  filtering  method  is  used to separate and reconstruct the individual compon ent. It is found that the time-varying filtering has large distortion at the intersection of the components. Therefore, the amplitude correction algorithm is introduced and a time -varying filtering algorithm based on time-varying order Short-time Fractional Fourier Transform is proposed. The proposed algorithm significantly  improves  the signal separation and reconstruction performance, especially for the nonlinear frequency modulated signal.

In this paper, the adaptive direction TFR algorithm is obtained to deal with the contradiction between cross-term interference and signal-term ambiguity, which achieved a relatively ideal TFR. Then the  enhancement algorithm  based  on rotated gradient and segment connection followed with curve-fitting are proposed to overcome the track error of IF estimation. Finally, a time-varying order Fractional Fourier Transform based time-varying filtering algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the time domain waveform. This paper decomposes the signal separation and reconstruction into four steps: signal modeling, time - frequency analysis, IF extraction and time-varying filtering, which constitutes a complete and effective multi-component radar signal separation and reconstruction scheme.

Keywords: time-frequency analysis, signal decomposition, time-varying filte- ring, short-time fractional fourier transform, instantaneous frequency

目 录

摘 要 I


第 1 章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题来源及研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及分析 2

1.2.1 非平稳信号的时频分析方法研究现状 2

1.2.2 瞬时频率估计方法研究现状 4

1.2.3 多分量信号的提取和重建方法研究现状 6

1.3 本文主要研究内容 8

第 2 章 多分量雷达信号建模及分析 10

2.1 引言 10

2.2 多分量雷达信号产生原因 10

2.3 多分量雷达信号数学模型 11

2.3.1 解析信号及其性质 11

2.3.2 线性调频信号及其性质 12

2.3.3 正弦调频信号及其性质 15

2.4 多分量信号的时频特征及其分析 17

2.5 本章小结 20

第 3 章 雷达信号时频分析算法研究 21

3.1 引言 21

3.2 二次时频分布及其模糊和交叉项问题分析 21

3.2.1 频谱图和维格纳分布的关系及改进 21

3.2.2 交叉项分析及二次时频分布设计方法 23

3.2.3 二次时频分布的性能评价指标 29

3.3 自适应角度二次时频分布算法 29

3.4 二次时频分布算法性能仿真 32

3.5 本章小结 34

第 4 章 多分量雷达信号瞬时频率估计算法研究 35

4.1 引言 35

4.2 现有多分量信号瞬时频率估计算法分析 35

4.3 多分量信号瞬时频率估计算法改进技术 38

4.3.1 信号时频分布的旋转梯度增强技术 38

4.3.2 瞬时频率片段的连接算法 41

4.4 多分量信号瞬时频率估计算法性能对比 44

4.5 本章小结 45

第 5 章 多分量雷达信号提取和重建技术研究 46

5.1 引言 46

5.2 基于短时傅立叶变换的自适应时变滤波 46

5.3 基于短时分数阶傅立叶变换的时变滤波 49

5.3.1 短时傅立叶变换时变滤波的缺陷分析 49

5.3.2 基于短时分数阶傅立叶变换的自适应时变滤波 54

5.4 信号提取和重建算法性能对比 57

5.5 本章小结 61

结 论 62

参考文献 64

致 谢 73

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