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基于HarmonyOS的面试宝典app的设计与实现 毕业论文+流程图源文件+答辩PPT
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘  要:随着社会的持续发展与科技的迅速进步,求职市场竞争愈发激烈。面试作为招聘过程中的关键环节,对求职者的综合素养和技能提出了更高要求。然而,在准备面试的过程中,求职者通常面临着面试题目的多样性和不确定性,以及对面试技巧缺乏充分认识等问题。为应对这些问题,本文基于HarmonyOS开发了一款名为“面试宝典”的应用程序,整合了丰富的面试题库和面试技巧,旨在帮助求职者有条不紊地进行面试准备。通过提供各行业和岗位的常见面试问题及其参考答案,以及个性化的面试建议的功能,“面试宝典”可以有效地帮助求职者提升面试表现,增加其获得理想职位的成功机会。

关键词:HarmonyOS Next;ArkTs;面试宝典

Design and Implementation of Interview Dictionary app Based on HarmonyOS

Abstract: With the continuous development of society and the rapid progress of science and technology, the competition in the job market has become increasingly fierce。 As a key part of the recruitment process, the interview puts forward higher requirements for the comprehensive quality and skills of job seekers。 However, in the process of preparing for an interview, job seekers usually face problems such as the variety and uncertainty of interview questions, and the lack of full awareness of interview skills。 To cope with these problems, this paper developed an application named "Interview Treasure" based on HarmonyOS, which integrates a rich bank of interview questions and interview techniques, aiming to help job seekers prepare for the interview in an orderly manner。 By providing common interview questions and reference answers for various industries and positions, as well as personalized interview advice, the "Interview Book" can effectively help job seekers improve their interview performance and increase their chances of success in securing their desired position。

Key words: HarmonyOS Next; ArkTs; Interview Book

目  录

摘  要

1 引言

2 研究现状

2.1 鸿蒙技术的发展


3 开发工具及技术介绍

3.1 ArkTs编程语言

3.2 DevEco Studio开发工具

4 系统分析

4.1 可行性分析

4.1.1 技术可行性

4.1.2 经济可行性

4.1.3 社会可行性

4.2 需求分析

4.2.1 UI的设计需求

4.2.2 功能需求

5 系统概要设计

5.1 系统功能模块划分



5.2.2 数据库表结构设计

6 系统实现

7 结论


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