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挂号信息管理系统设计 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+演示视频+Access系统源码+论文检测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘    要


本文主要探讨了基于Microsoft Access软件开发实现的医院挂号信息管理系统的设计和实现。系统设计针对医院挂号管理的实际需求,通过分角色登录、权限管理等功能,实现了对挂号信息的高效管理。首先进行了系统的需求分析和可行性分析,然后通过E-R图和流程图明确了系统设计的基本内容。利用Access数据库中的数据表设计和窗体设计,完成了系统管理员、挂号工作人员和普通用户的登录界面、界面、信息填写界面、挂号界面、挂号反馈界面、挂号修改申请界面等设计。该系统的应用将有助于提高医院挂号管理的效率和规范化程度,为患者提供更好的服务体验。

关键词:医院挂号信息管理系统;Microsoft Access;分角色登录;权限管理;系统设计


With the development of computer technology, appointment registration has become the choice of more and more patients, but there are still some problems that have not been solved, such as the long waiting time for appointment registration and patients miss the appointment. To solve the current problems of the registration system, If the waiting time for appointment registration and appointment number is long and the enthusiasm of medical staff is not high, This design hopes to save the registration time of the patients, At the same time, patients can apply to the staff when they need to change the registration process, Thus avoiding the occurrence of the appointments, And improve patient satisfaction, Let the people, " registration is difficult, The difficulty to see a doctor " and the loss of patients has been effectively alleviated, To ensure the rational allocation of medical human resources in the hospital outpatient department, The clinic process was optimized, Increase patient satisfaction with clinic visits, While also reducing the work burden of medical staff, The medical quality of the hospital has been effectively improved.

This paper mainly discusses the design and implementation of the hospital registration information management system based on Microsoft Access software development. According to the actual needs of hospital registration management, through the function of role registration, authority management and other functions, to achieve the efficient management of registration information. Firstly, the system requirements analysis and feasibility analysis are conducted, and then the basic content of the system design is defined through the E-R diagram and flow chart. Using the design of data table and form in Access database, the design of login interface, registration interface, information filling interface, registration interface, registration feedback interface and registration modification application interface of system administrator, registration staff and ordinary users is completed. The application of this system will help to improve the efficiency and standardization of hospital registration management, and provide better service experience for patients.

Key words: hospital registration information management system; Microsoft Access; sub-role login; authority management; system design

目  录

摘    要


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究工作的背景与意义



1.2 国内外研究历史与现状



1.3 本文的主要贡献与创新

1.4 本论文的结构安排

第二章 系统分析与设计

2.1 系统概述

2.2 系统功能

2.3 用例图

2.4 流程图

第三章 系统的实现

3.1 挂号信息管理系统首页设计

3.2 挂号信息管理系统引导设计

3.3 医生挂号信息模块

3.4 用户挂号模块

3.5 管理员登录页面

3.6 医生信息管理模块

3.7 病人管理模块

第四章 结束语

致    谢


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