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某水厂5X120kW充电站设计 定稿+一稿+二稿+三稿+开题报告+CAD图纸+论文检测查重报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  
摘  要





Under the background of rapid economic growth and rising people's living standards, cars have gradually become an indispensable mobile tool in our daily life. However, the environmental pollution and energy crisis brought about by the traditional internal combustion engine vehicles are increasingly serious. With their advantages of low emission, small pollution and low noise, electric vehicles are regarded as an important way to solve the above problems. As an infrastructure unit, the construction of an electric vehicle charging station is of great significance for promoting the commercialization and industrialization of electric vehicles.

This paper first summarizes the development status of electric vehicle charging stations at home and abroad, and takes Taiyuan city as an example to show the broad application prospect of electric vehicles. Subsequently, this paper studies the basic theory of the electric vehicle charging station deeply, and designs the power distribution system of the 5120kW electric vehicle charging station of a water plant in detail. During the design process, according to the relevant specifications and requirements, in this study, we carefully selected the core equipment, and used AutoCAD software to carefully draw the main connection diagram of the power distribution system. In order to ensure the smooth operation of charging stations, this paper also deeply analyzes the configuration of auxiliary facilities such as harmonic control and reactive power compensation equipment, relay protection system and power supply monitoring system. This study aims to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the construction of an electric vehicle charging station in a water plant, and to promote the wide application and sustainable development of electric vehicles.

Keywords: electric vehicle; charging station; design of power distribution system; main wiring diagram; CAD

目  录

1 引言

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 国内外发展现状及趋势

1.2.1 国内发展现状

1.2.2 国外发展现状

1.2.3 发展趋势


2 电动汽车充电设施概述

2.1 电动汽车概述

2.1.1 电动汽车的分类与构成

2.1.2 电池部分

2.1.3 电动汽车充电方式

2.2 电动汽车充电设施概述

2.2.1 充电设施的分类与功能

2.2.2 某水厂电动汽车充电站概述

3 某水厂电动汽车充电站配电系统设计

3.1 某水厂电动汽车充电站设计准则

3.2 交流配电系统核心设备

3.2.1 高压开关柜设计

3.2.2 变压器选型

3.2.3 低压开关柜的分类与选型

3.2.4 谐波抑制与无功补偿措施

3.3 主接线图的设计过程

4 配电系统的辅助设施

4.1 谐波抑制与无功补偿系统

4.2 继电保护机制

4.2.1 继电保护的功能与重要性

4.2.2 电流速断保护

4.2.3 继电保护的多层次策略

4.2.4 继电保护的智能化

4.2.5 继电保护的维护与测试

4.3 供电监控体系

5 总结与展望


5.2 展望


附  录

致  谢

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