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基于人脸识别的校园课堂考勤管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+答辩稿+答辩PPT+论文检测查重报告+Python项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要


本文设计并实现了一个基于人脸识别的校园课堂考勤管理系统。该系统以Python 3.6为开发语言,利用Tensorflow平台,结合Django和Celery框架进行后端开发。在前端,通过OpenCV.js与HTML的结合,实现了实时的摄像头人脸检测功能。后端则通过Django接收前端发送的人脸检测任务,并利用Celery进行异步处理,包括人脸特征提取和分类。系统采用SQLite作为数据库,存储用户信息和考勤数据。在人脸识别技术上,本系统使用dlib库进行人脸提取,并通过resnet网络进行人脸特征提取。最后,通过计算欧氏距离来分类和识别不同人脸,从而实现用户注册、签到以及用户管理等功能。该系统不仅提高了课堂考勤的效率和准确性,也为校园智能化管理提供了新的解决方案。



It stems from the urgent need for intelligent management and personalized services in the current education field, as well as the rapid development of artificial intelligence and computer vision technology in the field of identity identification and security monitoring. With the maturity and popularization of face recognition technology, its application to campus classroom attendance management has become a feasible and efficient solution. The topics also combines current trends in software development and Web technologies, in particular the wide use of established frameworks such as Django and Celery in the context of Web applications development, and the utility of SQLite as a lightweight database in small projects. Therefore, this topic aims to combine modern technology to provide an intelligent, efficient and convenient solution for campus classroom attendance management, and take this as an opportunity to explore the application prospects and challenges of artificial intelligence in the field of education.

This paper designs and implements a campus classroom attendance management system based on face recognition. The system uses Python 3.6 as the development language, using the Tensorflow platform, combined with the Django and Celery framework for back-end development. In the front end, the combination of OpenCV.js and HTML realizes the real-time camera face detection function. The back-end receives the face detection task sent by the front-end through the Django, and uses the Celery for asynchronous processing, including face feature extraction and classification. The system uses SQLite as a database to store user information and attendance data. In the face recognition technology, the system uses the dlib library for face extraction, and through the resnet network for face feature extraction. Finally, the Euclidean distance is calculated to classify and identify different faces, so as to realize user registration, check-in and user management functions. The system not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of the classroom attendance, but also provides a new solution for the intelligent campus management.

Key words: face recognition; campus classroom attendance; Django; Tensorflow; SQLite; real-time detection

目  录

摘  要


第1章 绪论


1.1.1 选题背景

1.1.2 选题意义

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势

1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.2.3 发展趋势

1.3 本文研究的主要内容

第2章 系统开发环境

2.1 python简介

2.1.1 Python的特点

2.1.2 Python的应用领域

2.1.3 Python在本项目中的应用

2.2 人脸识别简介

2.3 SQLite简介

2.4 Django简介

2.5 TensorFlow简介

第3章 系统分析

3.1 可行性分析

3.1.1 技术可行性

3.1.2 操作可行性

3.1.3 经济可行性

3.1.4 法律可行性


3.2.1 功能需求分析

3.2.2 性能需求分析



第4章 系统设计




4.2.2 添加信息流程

4.2.3 人脸识别流程

4.3 系统功能设计

4.4 数据库设计

4.4.1 数据库设计原则

4.4.2 数据库实体

4.4.3 数据库表设计

第5章 系统实现

5.1 登录

5.2 注册

5.3 识别签到

第6章 系统测试





结    论

致    谢


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