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基于新闻数据的情感分析与用户推荐系统的设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+文献综述+答辩稿+答辩PPT+论文检测查重报告+项目源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要


本文研究了基于新闻数据的情感分析与用户推荐系统的设计与实现。利用Python的Scrapy框架,设计了一个能够定时定向分析和采集网络新闻数据的爬虫网络。该系统不仅实现了新闻数据的分类、去重和存储,还通过用户分享、评论等功能,构建了一个全新的新闻网站。为了提升用户体验,本文进一步实现了新闻数据的可视化,旨在帮助用户在海量新闻数据中快速获取有价值的信息。此外,针对网站的反爬虫策略,本文提出了应对策略,以确保爬虫的稳定运行。技术实现上,前端采用bootstrap框架,后端采用node.js的koa2框架,数据库使用mongodb,确保了系统的可扩展性和灵活性。用户可以通过浏览器或Android APP访问该网站,享受个性化的新闻推荐和便捷的新闻浏览体验。



This topic comes from the in-depth exploration of modern information processing and artificial intelligence technology, as well as the keen observation of the development trend of the news media industry. In today's era of information explosion, the scale of news data has shown an unprecedented growth. How to effectively process and analyze these data and provide users with accurate and valuable news information has become an urgent problem to be solved. At the same time, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, sentiment analysis and user recommendation systems have become a powerful tools to solve this problem. Therefore, this topic aims to design and implement a system that can provide users with personalized news services by combining Python crawler technology, emotion analysis technology and user recommendation system, aiming to improve the efficiency and experience of news reading.

This paper studies the design and implementation of emotion analysis and user recommendation system based on news data. Using the Scrapy framework of Python, a crawler network capable of timing and directional analysis and collecting network news data is designed. The system not only realizes the classification, weight and storage of news data, but also builds a new news website through user sharing, comment and other functions. In order to improve the user experience, this paper further realizes the visualization of news data, aiming to help users to quickly obtain valuable information from the massive news data. Moreover, for the website anti-crawler strategies, this paper proposes coping strategies to ensure the stable operation of the crawler. In the technical implementation, the front end adopts bootstrap framework, the back end adopts node.js koa 2 framework, and the database uses mongodb, which ensures the scalability and flexibility of the system. Users can access the site through a browser or Android APP to enjoy personalized news recommendations and convenient news browsing experience.

Key words: news data; emotion analysis; user recommendation system; Python crawler; news aggregation

目  录

摘  要


第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.1.1 选题背景

1.1.2 选题意义


1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.2.3 发展趋势



1.3.2 预期结果

第2章  技术与原理

2.1 技术选型

2.1.1 Python语言介绍

2.1.2 Scrapy框架介绍

2.1.3 Django框架介绍

2.1.4 bootstrap

2.1.5 node koa2

2.1.6 MongoDB数据库介绍


2.2.1 网络爬虫介绍

2.2.2 关键词提取技术

2.2.3 智能分类技术

第3章 系统分析

3.1 用户推荐系统用例析取

3.2 用户推荐系统用例规约

3.2.1 新闻推荐

3.2.2 新闻分类

第4章 系统设计


4.2 系统模块设计


4.2.2 爬虫去重模块设计

4.2.3 防反爬虫模块设计

4.2.4 爬虫存储模块设计

4.2.5 消息分类模块设计

4.2.6 消息推荐与展示模块设计

4.3 数据库设计

第5章 系统实现

5.1 项目架构及运行

5.1.1 项目架构

5.1.2 运行

5.2 功能划分

5.2.1 新闻爬取模块

5.2.2 新闻列表加载模块

5.2.3 新闻内容加载模块

5.2.4 用户管理模块

5.2.5 服务器路由模块

5.2.6 数据库交互模块

5.2.7 新闻推荐模块

5.2.8 Android客户端模块

5.3 功能模块设计

5.3.1 新闻主页

5.3.2 新闻页面

5.3.3 用户注册

5.3.4 用户登录

5.3.5 用户修改信息

5.3.6 用户个人主页

5.3.7 新闻个性推荐

5.3.8 移动端新闻推送

第6章 系统部署

6.1 部署机器概述

6.2 配置环境

6.3 系统运行

第7章 总结与展望

7.1 总结

7.2 展望

致    谢









4 新闻列表的加载

5 新闻内容页面的显示

6 用户注册

7 用户登录

8 新闻推荐模块

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