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基于C++的酒店管理系统 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要






With the rapid progress of science and technology, the traditional service industry is undergoing an unprecedented change. They need to adapt to changes in the market structure and seek to reform themselves in emerging markets. The challenges facing services are particularly prominent, including the evolution of market characteristics, increasing consumer demand, and the urgent need for technological upgrading. In the wave of science and technology, how to improve the customers' independent choice, improve the efficiency and quality of service, and bring more excellent experience to customers, has become a problem that businesses must think deeply about.

In the hotel accommodation space, customers are often unable to choose their desired room number, which may affect their occupancy experience because some numbers are considered unlucky. In response to this problem, we have designed a hotel management system, which not only includes basic booking functions, but also adds message board and room preview functions, and innovatively introduced the room number selection service. This will enable customers to choose a satisfactory room number according to their preferences and needs to enhance their accommodation experience. That is, users can independently choose the floor number, room number and orientation (sunrise) through the system, to meet the needs of users, improve the user experience, improve the mood, but also facilitate the management of the front desk, reduce the cost of hotel management, which is of practical significance.

This system is based on C + + language and uses Qt as the development tool of interface and function. MySQL database adds, deleand changes the background data, uses the object-oriented tool provided to develop the interface and database, and finally beautify and layout the UI interface.

Key words: C + +; QT; Hotel management; hotel booking; MySQL

4.4 物理结构设计

第五章  系统实现

5.1 登录模块设计

5.1.1 登录模块

5.1.2 管理模块设计

5.2 界面设计结果

5.2.1 主界面

5.2.2 子界面

第六章  系统测试

6.1 测试方案设计

6.1.1 测试策略

6.1.2 测试资源

6.1.3 关键测试点

6.2 测试用例构建

6.2.1 测试用例设计

6.2.2 关键测试用例


致  谢


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