摘 要
该系统主要包括管理员模块和校友模块,涵盖了系统首页、个人中心、校友管理、校友会管理、活动管理、校友录管理和社交管理等功能。系统采用Java Web技术开发,结合Spring Boot框架和MySQL数据库,以实现快速开发和高效管理。通过本系统,校友和校友团体可以方便地管理个人信息、参与校友活动、浏览校友录以及进行社交互动。这一研究对于提升校友管理效率、促进校友间交流具有重要意义。系统整体采用简洁、直观的界面设计,为用户提供更便捷的校友管理和社交体验。同时,系统具备良好的安全性和稳定性,保障用户信息的安全和隐私。
关键词:校友管理系统;Java Web;Spring Boot;MySQL数据库
With the rapid development of society, people's living standards are constantly improving, and the pace of life is accelerating. To save time and increase efficiency, more and more people are choosing to handle their affairs online using the Internet. Thus, the Alumni Management and Data Analysis System has emerged. This system aims to provide a solution with a simple and elegant interface, and comprehensive functionality to meet the needs of users.
The system mainly consists of two modules: the administrator module and the alumni module, covering functions such as the system homepage, personal center, alumni management, alumni association management, event management, alumni directory management, and social management. Developed using Java Web technology combined with the Spring Boot framework and MySQL database, the system enables rapid development and efficient management. Through this system, alumni and alumni associations can easily manage personal information, participate in alumni activities, browse the alumni directory, and engage in social interactions. This study is of great significance for improving alumni management efficiency and promoting communication among alumni. The system adopts a simple and intuitive interface design to provide users with a more convenient alumni management and social experience. At the same time, the system ensures good security and stability, safeguarding the security and privacy of user information.
Keywords: alumni management system, Java Web, Spring Boot, MySQL database