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基于理论分析与数值模拟的排石床上置振动器结构优化设计 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  





With the rapid development of infrastructure construction, the efficiency and safety of stone drainage engineering have received great attention. Particularly in complex geological conditions, efficient stone drainage vibratory equipment is crucial for ensuring construction progress and reducing costs. In response to this challenge, this paper presents a structural design proposal for a new type of vibratory device for stone drainage beds. Through an in-depth study of the working principle of stone drainage beds and the relevant theory of vibrators, a device that meets engineering requirements was designed. The vibrator takes into account multiple factors such as dynamic characteristics, environmental adaptability, maintainability, and safety, with the aim of enhancing stone drainage efficiency while ensuring operational stability and equipment durability. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was used in the article to simulate the stress distribution of the vibrator structure, ensuring its sturdiness under high-frequency continuous working conditions. Furthermore, dynamic simulation tests were conducted to optimize design parameters, achieving high efficiency and energy savings for the device. Performance indicators based on key parameters such as frequency, amplitude, and bearing capacity were established, and the working environment was considered for factors such as extreme temperatures and dust and waterproof requirements. This study also carried out vibration table experiments and field application tests to verify the reliability of the structural design and the stone drainage efficiency of the vibrator. At the same time, the design scheme of this research also focused on the replaceability of vulnerable parts and the convenience of equipment maintenance, not only prolonging the service life of the vibrator but also reducing maintenance costs. The design results show that after optimizing the vibration frequency and amplitude, the vibrator can effectively improve stone drainage efficiency, significantly reduce energy consumption and noise levels, meeting the high standard requirements of modern stone drainage engineering.

Keyword:Stone Removal Bed; Vibrator Structural Design; Finite Element Analysis; Dynamic Simulation; Vibration Table Experiment





1.1 研究背景

1.2 研究内容


2.1 排石理论基础

2.2 振动理论简述

2.3 结构设计原理分析

2.4 研究方法概述


3.1 性能指标分析

3.2 结构设计要点

3.3 工作环境与约束条件

3.4 安全性与可靠性分析


4.1 初始方案构思

4.2 方案优化与选择

4.3 详细结构设计展开

4.4 设计方案仿真分析


5.1 实验设备与测试方法

5.2 实验方案与步骤

5.3 数据采集与处理

5.4 结果分析与讨论


6.1 工作总结

6.2 研究展望及建议



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