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基于STM32F103ZET6和卷积神经网络的智能果蔬电子秤系统设计与实现 毕业论文
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及其意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1

第二章 系统组成与硬件选择 3

2.1 整体设计方案 3

2.2 主控芯片选择 3

2.3 硬件选择 3

2.4 硬件介绍 3

2.4.1 主控模块 4

2.4.2 摄像头模块 4

2.4.3 WIFI模块 4

2.4.4 压力传感器模块 4

第三章 智能电子秤软件设计 6

3.1 软件开发平台 6

3.2 软件设计流程 6

3.3 程序设计 7

3.3.1摄像头数据采集 7

3.3.2 压力传感器数据采集 8

3.3.3 卷积神经网络 9

第四章 智能电子秤实验结果和分析 11

4.1 硬件调试 11

4.2.软件调试 12

4.3 实验结果分析 13

第五章 结论与展望 16

5.1 主要研究成果与总结 16

5.2 存在的问题和不足 16

5.3 进一步研究展望 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

附录1:元件清单 19

附录2:核心代码 20

附录3:使用说明 25


摘要:本文介绍了一种智能电子秤的设计和实现方法,该电子秤具有以下特点:(1)基于STM32F103ZET6微控制器,该微控制器具有高性能的ARM Cortex-M3 32位RISC内核,高速嵌入式存储器和丰富的外设接口。(2)使用OV7670摄像头采集水果或者蔬菜的图像,并通过ESP8266-01S Wi-Fi模块传输到PC端进行果蔬识别。(3)使用HX711压力传感器检测水果或者蔬菜的重量,并通过TFT3.5-ILI9481显示屏显示出来。(4)PC端搭建TCP服务器接收图像数据,并使用训练好的卷积神经网络进行果蔬识别,将识别结果通过Wi-Fi模块发送给单片机并显示在屏幕上。(5)单片机根据重量和识别结果计算出水果或者蔬菜的单价和总价,并显示在屏幕上。



Intelligent electronic scale

Abstract:This paper introduces the design and implementation method of an intelligent electronic scale, which has the following characteristics: (1) based on STM32F103ZET6 microcontroller, the microcontroller has high performance ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit RISC kernel, high speed embedded memory and rich peripheral interfaces. (2) Images of fruits or vegetables are collected by OV7670 camera and transmitted to PC through ESP8266-01S Wi-Fi module for fruit and vegetable identification. (3) Use HX711 pressure sensor to detect the weight of fruit or vegetables and display it through TFT3.5-ILI9481 display screen. (4) The TCP server is set up on the PC side to receive image data, and the trained convolutional neural network is used to recognize fruits and vegetables. The recognition results are sent to the single chip microcomputer through the Wi-Fi module and displayed on the screen. (5) The single chip computer calculates the unit price and total price of fruit or vegetables according to the weight and recognition results, and displays it on the screen.

This paper introduces the hardware design, software design and test results of the electronic scale in detail. It proves that the electronic scale has high accuracy and practicability, and can be used in supermarkets, farmers' markets and other occasions.

Keywords: STM32F103ZET6, pressure sensor, display screen, ESP8266, convolutional neural network, HX711

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