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基于Python+YOLOv5s深度学习模型的生活垃圾自动识别分类微信小程序 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+中期检查表+外文翻译及原文+运行环境搭建说明+前后端源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目  录

摘  要


第一章  绪论

1.1  研究背景及意义

1.2  国内外研究现状

1.2.1  垃圾分类软件现状

1.2.2  垃圾图像分类研究现状

1.3  本文主要研究内容及章节安排

第二章  相关技术介绍

2.1  深度学习模型

2.2  深度学习Python框架简介

2.3  Web开发简介

2.3.1  Flask框架技术

2.3.2  微信小程序开发

第三章  垃圾分类深度学习模型的设计与实现

3.1  构建垃圾图片数据集

3.2  深度学习模型搭建

3.2.1  开发环境和配置

3.2.2  YOLOv5模型搭建及配置

3.3  深度学习模型优化

3.4  深度学习模型实验结果

第四章  垃圾分类系统的设计与实现

4.1  功能分析

4.1.1  拍照或图片智能垃圾分类功能

4.1.2  分类图例

4.1.3  分类知识

4.2  系统设计

4.3  系统实现

4.3.1  服务器端实现

4.3.2  微信垃圾分类小程序设计

4.4  系统测试

4.4.1  测试环境与测试用例

4.4.2  服务器配置与启动测试

4.4.3  浏览器端测试

4.4.4  微信小程序测试

第五章  结论

致    谢


附    录

摘  要








With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous increase of population, the amount of household waste is also showing a continuous growth trend. Therefore, scientific and effective waste management measures, such as Waste sorting, Recycling and sustainable treatment, are urgently needed to minimize the adverse impact of waste on the environment and health. However, in many cities in China, the phenomenon of mixed loading and disposal of garbage still exists in large numbers, which is not conducive to effective classification and treatment of garbage. The traditional Waste sorting method usually requires manual intervention, but with the increase of the quantity and complexity of garbage, this method becomes more time-consuming and labor-intensive. The use of deep learning algorithms for garbage image recognition can achieve an automatic and efficient classification process.

Based on Python technology, this paper builds a YOLOv5s deep learning model, and develops a Waste sorting application system for WeChat applet based on this model. The main tasks of this project are as follows:

(1) Investigated the mobile Waste sorting application software dynamics, and analyzed its advantages and disadvantages; This paper analyzes the relevant application of deep learning in the field of Waste sorting, and focuses on the working principle of YOLO series and the advantages and disadvantages of YOLOv5s, YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l, YOLOv5x, and finally selects the lightweight deep learning model YOLOv5s.

(2) This article presents a deep learning based garbage image classification model YOLOv5s. The garbage image classification on WeChat mini programs should not only consider the accuracy of the model, but also ensure the lightweight of the model, that is, the parameter quantity of the model should not be too large. Therefore, it is necessary to consider both when designing the model. Finally, the accuracy of the project's in-depth learning model for Waste sorting reached 98.5%.

(3) Finally, the overall design and test of the Waste sorting system are realized. The system is designed using a front-end and back-end separation approach, with the main function of classifying and recognizing household waste through mobile phone photography. Other functions include album photo recognition, text knowledge sharing, and garbage knowledge legend display.

Keywords:Python;Deep learning;Waste sorting;WeChat mini program

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