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移动可伸缩带式输送机机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+cad图纸+sw三维图
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  


摘  要




关键词 带式输送机;伸缩;移动;变幅

Design of Telescopic Mobile Belt Conveyor


This article refers to the general design of the belt conveyor, and analysis of some of the common characteristics of light conveyor,the design of an innovative multi - functional belt conveyor with three functions: telescopic, mobile and variable amplitude is designed. The scheme focuses on the analysis and discussion of the telescopic mechanism.

In this paper, the development situation, future development trend, design purpose, design direction and significance of the domestic and foreign transport aircraft are summarized. The core content analyzes the telescopic form and the transmission form of the telescopic conveyor. The design of this paper is based on the design of the QD80 Belt Conveyor, and it is reasonable to select a part of the available parts in the QD80 Conveyor. The most important telescopic scheme is to design the telescopic mechanism. The telescopic mechanism is the screw between the application screw In order to achieve the scalable design requirements of the conveyor, through the relevant calculation of the corresponding data of the telescopic mechanism for the belt conveyor in a variety of environments are carried out under the corresponding model of the simplified model, and the corresponding circumstances of the force Analysis, through the calculation of the results should ensure that in some extreme transport state of the overall body of the reliability and security. One part of the transmission mechanism is driven by the motor reduction gear, after deceleration and transmission to the nut screw mechanism to form.

In this paper, the design of the telescopic mechanism is designed in the same way as the movable and variable amplitude function, and the calculation of the corresponding data. Some of the parts involved can be obtained by purchasing and factory customization. The multi-purpose, multi-purpose innovation of the transport machine was envisaged.

Keywords  Belt-conveyor,telescopic,mobile,change-angle

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论

1.1 国内外带式输送机的发展状况

1.2 带式输送机发展趋势

1.3 设计带式输送机的目的和意义

第2章 总体方案确定

2.1 设计方向

2.2 方案选择

2.2.1 子母机架式(抽屉式)

2.2.2 折叠式

2.2.3 大型输送机式

2.2.4 云梯式

2.3 伸缩传动系统选择

2.4 章节小结

第3章 输送机设计计算

3.1 原始数据及工作条件

3.1.1 物料名称和输送能力

3.1.2 成件物品单位重量

3.1.3 输送机布置形式及主要尺寸

3.1.4 给料点,卸料点的数目和位置

3.1.5 工作环境

3.1.6 输送物品的特殊要求

3.2 输送带速度原则

3.3 输送带带宽计算

3.4 输送能力计算

3.5 相关数据计算

3.5.1 传动滚筒功率计算

3.5.2 电动机功率计算

3.5.3 最大张力计算

3.5.4 输送带层数计算

3.6 输送带的选择

3.7 驱动装置选用

3.8 托辊的选用

3.9 改向滚筒的选用

3.10 章节小结

第4章 伸缩机构设计

4.1 机构的设想

4.2 螺母螺杆机构

4.3 选用材料

4.4 相关数据计算

4.4.1 原始数据

4.4.2 耐磨性

4.4.3 验算自锁

4.4.4 螺杆强度

4.4.5 螺杆稳定性

4.4.6 螺杆的刚度

4.4.7 螺杆的横向振动

4.4.8 动力计算

4.4.9 螺母螺杆装置布置

4.4.10 联结螺母和伸长架的螺栓选择

4.5 螺杆减速装置

4.6 选用电动机型号

4.7 减速齿轮设计

4.7.1 原始数据

4.7.2 选择材料,确定试验齿轮的疲劳极限应力

4.7.3 接触强度初步确定中心距,并初选主要参数

4.7.4 校核齿面接触疲劳强度

4.7.5 校核齿轮弯曲疲劳强度

4.7.6 齿轮主要参数

4.8 联动部件

4.9 小齿轮结构设计

4.9.1 初步估算轴径

4.9.2 小齿轮外型与制造形式

4.10 选用联轴器

4.11 小齿轮用滚动轴承

4.11.1 原始数据

4.11.2 轴承选用与寿命计算

4.12 小齿轮强度校核

4.13 螺杆轴承选用

4.13.1 已知数据

4.13.2 寿命计算

4.14 轴承座

4.15 传动键设计

4.16 重新校核螺杆强度

4.17 章节小结

第5章 输送机机架设计

5.1 机架的要求

5.2 机架的材料选择

5.3 机架形式与零件布置

5.3.1 输送机横截面布置设计

5.3.2 输送机侧面布置设计

5.4 机架质量估算

5.5 输送机整体重量估算

5.6 输送机支撑架形式

5.7 固定铰支座和液压缸受力分析和安装位置设计

5.8 伸长架稳定性计算

5.9 定制液压缸

5.10 工业脚轮、伸长架用滑轮及其他产品

5.11 章节小结




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