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某复混肥料生产设备机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+答辩PPT+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘    要









Since Chinese accession to the World Trade Organization, China access to a more stable international trading environment, businesses are faced with major opportunities and challenges, the fertilizer industry is no exception, BB fertilizer soil testing as an important fertilizer Fertilization species, the more to more attention from all sides, the Chinese co-operation conform to the trend of the times Times special agricultural development, the industry's elite organizations together to express their views and to discuss China's fertilizer industry BB thinking, if we say that the first Development Forum BB fertilizer industry victory held for us a clear development goals, so this session should be convened to develop the Forum is to explore to achieve this objective we need to do efforts.

BB fertilizer Industry in China's development is at a very critical period, facing a variety of opportunities and challenges, opportunities and the government is the party of "Three Rural Issues" attached great importance to building a new socialist countryside, the state soil testing Fertilization a strong proponent of the project, social environment to BB fertilizer provides a broad space for development of human wisdom for agricultural fertilizer BB painted a bright future, but would also like to see, with the market economy on the agricultural industry immersion, the end of protection period WTO, foreign agricultural predators of the distribution of China's agricultural market has long been coveted for a long time, China's fertilizer industry is faced with unprecedented challenges. China's chemical fertilizer industry, in particular, BB fertilizer industry should unite together to play the whole advantage of their big, fat BB from abroad against a strong impact.

So, BB fertilizer production facilities in China are bound to have good prospects for the development, the design issue is (9-BB Ⅱ type) BB fertilizer production equipment design and drive system design. The main subject of the overall program, including the identification and determination of transmission and calculation of the size. The completion of this subject, can we learn how to learn in class by the application of theoretical knowledge to the society a better practice.

In this paper, there is bound to be a lot of fault and error please comment criticism teachers.

Key words: Opportunity




1  绪  论

1.1 研究的目的和意义

1.2 我国与世界其他国家BB肥生产设备发展现状

1.3 BB肥生产设备的特点

1.4 BB肥及其生产设备在我国的发展展望

2  总体方案确定

2.1 总体设计要求

2.2 总体设计

2.2.1 设计思想

2.2.2 主要结构

2.2.3 工作原理

2.2.4 工艺流程

2.2.5 技术要求

2.2.6 总体尺寸综合

2.3 总体图

3  提升系统的设计计算

3.1 料斗仓重量计算

3.2 提升系统的设计计算

3.2.1 导轨强度校核

3.2.2 导轨刚度校核

3.3 提升系统电动机选择

3.3.1 选择电动机类型和结构型式

3.3.2 选择电动机的容量

3.3.3 选择电动机的型号

4  机架的设计及校核

4.1 机架结构类型

4.1.1 按机架外形分类

4.1.2 按机架的制造方法和材料分类

4.2 机架结构的选择

4.3 机架设计计算的准则和要求

4.3.1 机架设计的准则

4.3.2 机架设计的一般要求

4.4 机架的形式及主要参数

4.5 机架的强度校核

4.6 机架的刚度校核 35

4.7 立柱的强度及稳定性校核 41

5  检验安装和使用维修 43

5.1 检验规则 43

5.2 吊装,安装和调整 43

5.3 使用操作 43

5.4 维修保养和故障排除 44

6  总结 45

参考文献 46

致   谢 47

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