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基于Matlab的滚动轴承故障诊断系统 毕业论文+开题报告+外文翻译及原文+源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要






Rolling element bearing is one of the most widely used general part of rotating machinery,and one of the most easily damaged parts of mechanical equipment. A lot of mechanical failure is relevant to the state of rolling element bearings. It is estimated that about 30 percent of mechanical failure is caused by its fault in the rotating machine with rolling element bearings. It is obvious that the quality of rolling element bearings has a great impact on the working condition of electromechanical systems. Because of wrong design, poor working condition or a jump heavy load, bearing will be damaged and worse during the running time. So at present, the fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings is a research hotspot.

Firstly, the failure forms, the vibration mechanism, vibration type, and the  failure cause, vibration frequency of bearing are analyzed in theory.Secondly, based on the theory put forward the time domain, frequency domain diagnostic methods.Finally, the software for the fault diagnosis system of the rolling bearings is designed by Matlab,along with the simulation of bearing fault signals by Matlab.To analysis and processing the signal in software. Verify the merits of various diagnostic methods and characteristics of rolling bearing faults.

The paper successfully completed the design task and the result meets the expectation. We researched the fault diagnosis methods and completed the fault diagnosis system design and simulation shows the fault diagnosis methods of rolling element bearings.

KeyWords:rolling element bearings,fault diagnosis,time-domain analysis,

frequency-domain analysis,Matlab

目  录

摘  要


第一章  绪论

1.1  本课题研究的主要意义

1.2  滚动轴承故障诊断方法

1.3  滚动轴承故障诊断技术的发展概况

1.4  滚动轴承故障诊断技术的发展方向

1.5  本课题主要研究内容

第二章  滚动轴承的故障特征分析

2.1  概述

2.2  滚动轴承的典型结构

2.3  滚动轴承的主要失效形式及原因

2.4  滚动轴承的几何参数

2.5  滚动轴承的特征频率

2.6  滚动轴承的振动特性

2.6.1  滚动轴承的固有振动

2.6.2  轴承构造引起的振动

2.6.3  轴承装配不正确、轴颈偏斜产生的振动

2.6.4  精加工波纹度引起的振动

2.6.5  滚动轴承的故障引起振动

第三章  滚动轴承故障诊断方法研究

3.1  概述

3.2  时域分析的特征参数

3.3  频域分析的特征参数

第四章  轴承故障诊断系统总体设计

4.1  概述

4.2  Matlab软件简介

4.3  滚动轴承故障诊断系统总体设计

4.3.1  系统界面子系统

4.3.2  轴承特征频率计算子系统

4.3.3  数据加载子系统

4.3.4  信号模拟子系统

4.3.5  时域分析子系统

4.3.6  频域分析子系统

4.3.7  打印子系统

第五章  轴承实测信号处理

5.1  概述

5.2  模拟合成信号

5.3  模拟合成信号分析

5.4  轴承实测信号分析

结  论


致  谢

附录A  频域分析系统程序

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