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马铃薯(土豆)智能清洗分选平台设计 说明书(论文)+开题报告+CAD图纸+SolidWorks三维图
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 4

1.1 课题研究的意义和目的 4

1.2 国内外马铃薯智能化分选平台的发展现状 6

1.2.1 国外马铃薯智能化分选平台的发展现状 6

1.2.2 我国马铃薯智能化分选平台的发展现状 8

1.3 马铃薯智能化分选平台设计的主要内容 9

1.4 马铃薯分选装箱智能分选机的主要技术参数 10

第二章 马铃薯智能化分选平台总体的设计 11

2.1 总体方案设计 11

2.1.1 设计原则 11

2.1.2 基本结构 11

2.1.3 工作原理 11

2.2马铃薯智能化分选平台机架的设计 12

第三章 马铃薯分选平台传动结构的设计 15

3.1分选机平台传动方案的分析 15

3.1.1常用的传动类型及特点 15

3.1.2机械传动系统设计时应注意的事项 16

3.2传动方案的拟定 16

3.2.1链条的概述 16

3.2.2链条的传动特点 17

3.2.3链条传动的失效形式 17

3.3.4 清选分级链条的设计准则 19

3.3.5链条的分类 19

3.3传动系统的设计 20

3.3.1确定计算功率 20

3.3.2按接触强度进行初步计算 22

3.3.3按机齿根弯曲强度设计 23

3.3.4确定齿数 24

3.4轴的设计 25

3.5.1链轮上力的计算 25

3.5.2材料 25

3.5.3计算轴的最小直径 25

3.5.4轴的结构设计 25

3.5轴的校核 26

3.6键的校核 27

3.7轴承的校核 27

第四章 总体校核计算 29

4.1 轨道转速的确定 29

4.2 功率计算 31

4.3 传动装置总效率和电动机功率 32

总 结 40

参考文献 41

致谢 43

摘 要





Potato is one of the important food crops in China's agricultural production. The annual yield of potato is in an important position in China's agricultural products. There are many ways to eat potato, which can be used to make soup, roast potato and boil potato. Each method has a good taste in food and is deeply loved by people. On the basis of planting a large number of potatoes in China, the potato intelligent sorting and sorting equipment has been greatly developed. However, compared with some foreign advanced automation equipment, the development of potato sorting machine and other equipment in China is still at a backward level, so that the annual yield of potato in China is very low. In the design of potato sorting machine and intelligent sorting machine, it needs to be improved to realize the receiving mode and mechanical level of sorting, effectively improve the efficiency of intelligent sorting, reduce the labor force and planting cost in agricultural production, and solve the price problem of potato in mechanized equipment, so that our people can afford potatoes, Solve the problem of expensive potato. From the working direction of workers, the innovation of planting machine design can promote the planting scale of potato, improve the degree of automation, realize intelligent sorting and intelligent sorting faster, solve the problem of labor intensity, and fundamentally improve the efficiency and quality of intelligent sorting of potato.

From the working direction of workers, the innovation of planting machine design can promote the planting scale of potato, improve the degree of automation, realize intelligent sorting and intelligent sorting faster, solve the problem of labor intensity, and fundamentally improve the efficiency and quality of intelligent sorting of potato. It is time-consuming and laborious to manually sort the potatoes after intelligent sorting, and the accuracy can not be guaranteed. In addition, the time-consuming of manual sorting is too long, which is not conducive to the storage of potatoes, and will cause damage to potatoes in the sorting process. Therefore, an efficient and stable potato automatic grading and packaging machine is needed to complete the related work. Here, the task of grading potatoes according to their quality and size is carried out through equipment, which is consistent with people's habits. Nowadays, for potatoes, the variety is very rich, some of which have very low density. If the results of classification by weight and size are basically the same, it is reasonable and scientific to classify some potatoes by size. Therefore, when the potato automatic grading packaging machine is working, the potato moves on the surface of the belt, the relative movement is small, and the harm to the potato is small. This method is especially suitable for the classification of spherical or near spherical potatoes, and it is very suitable for the grading packaging of potatoes.

Key words: sorter, potato, agricultural machinery, innovation, intelligence

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