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全自动园林植树机机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  





关键词:机械化 自动化 植树效率 成本


Along with the development of science and technology, modern industry, more and more towards the direction of modernization, mechanization, semi-automatic and automatic, is not only an industry, the development direction of garden machinery, too, in the landscape industry, the planting industry occupies a very large part of, is also the most important part of it.Now way of planting trees or use the comparison of the traditional way, the intensity of labor is big, efficiency is low, resulting in the corresponding cost increases.Therefore very necessary to develop a new machinery to plant trees planting trees to replace the current model, which makes the planting industry into the development of mechanization mode.

This topic research object is the design of the machine to plant trees in the garden machinery, plant trees machine design for planting industry is a major improvement, the development of the planting machine can bring great convenience to the planting industry, can greatly solve encountered in the process of planting of time-consuming, laborious problems.

The tree-planting machine design requirements will change in the process of planting trees relying too much on the present situation of the human, liberating people, planting process through the manipulation of the people, completely by mechanical devices to complete the relevant work.Requirements designed by planting machine can finish all the work in the process of planting, and greatly improve the efficiency of planting trees.The tree-planting machine designed with saplings (such as poplar planting stock) process of planting trees on both sides of the road, or to work in the large area space.Require tree-planting machine can fully complete the work at the same time to guarantee the speed of planting trees, and a planting after loading quantity in about 100.

Keyword:  mechanization , automation , efficiency of planting trees , cost




1 引言

1.1 课题背景与意义:

1.2 国内外研究及发展现状

2 植树机总体设计

2.1  整体设计思路

2.2 整体设计方法


3  植树机的各部分装置的设计

3.1 挖坑装置的设计

3.2 储苗装置的设计

3.3  移苗装置的设计

3.4  覆土装置的设计

4  植树机部分装置的校核

4.1 移苗装置底座回转支撑的选用与校核

4.1.1 回转支撑的选用



4.3 机械手处液压缸的校核


5  展望与总结



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