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Crane Work Needs More Technique
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

Crane Work Needs More Technique

The invention of crane has greatly increased people’s work efficiency .People can use crane to handle with huge articles which used to be taken a long time to do, especially in a small are The bridge type hoist crane  is  required  to handle  with  huge  accessory  or huge device.

The birth worldwide industry early post-war years, the crane industry came to an aImost complete standstill. By the end of the decade, however, crane construction had diversified and spread around the world and the industry seemed infused with newfound energy that left it flourishing as never before. Lightweight cranes that arrived on site ready for use came to dominate construction sites as people realised the advantages of not having to dismantle them between jobs. These new designs did away with the need to have other lifting equipment assisting during rigging - a big contrast to the cumbersome rigging of previous designs. But, before all this could happen came the horrors of the Second World War. By 1940 of Europe was completely caught up in the conflict. By the time the war ended, Europe and other parts of the world had been subjected to extraordinary political, economic and social changes that would affect the entire  fabric of society, including the construction and crane industries, for many decades to come. In the US, steam locomotives were starting to be replaced by diesel - by 1953 more than 50 per cent of all locomotives would be diesel. During the war the mass production of excavators, scrapers and cranes continued. 1940, for example, saw Thew launch the new 'Lorain Motocrane' series. This consisted of three cranes which, for the first time in history, were mounted on chassis built by the crane manufacturer itselfi The smallest crane, the MC-2, could lift 7.6 tonnes, the MC-2 9.9 tonnes and the MC-3 13.5 tonnes. These cranes were delivered to the army by the thousand, and were also mounted on portals for use as harbour cranes (the MC-4 model). The war had, of course, taken its toll on the number of able-bodied men available to work in the crane industry and there was a serious shortage of good crane drivers. At Thew, newcomers were taught crane operations over a two-day course presented by A.C Burch, an experienced mechanic and graduate of the Naval Academy, and L.K Jenkins. These two gentlemen were probably the originators of 'operator training' as we know it today. As they had actually designed the Motocrane, both knew it inside out and were pleased to pass on this knowledge.

When the Japanese National Railways committed itself to buying the prototype of a machine designed to remove railway clips, the tide turned. The machine worked splendidly and iVlasuo Tadano toured Japan showing on 35 millimetre film just what it could do. He collected numerous orders for the machine along the way and at the same time seems to have been an early pioneer of the company videos so beloved by today's marketing professionals!

Other countries were also building noteworthy cranes. Italy, in particular, was developing into a source of innovative ideas for the industry.In1948 in Legnano,near Milan,Carlo Raimodi built his first slewing tower crane,a classic top slewer The company was originally established in 1863 as a foundry and had, until making its crane debut, built machines and components for the millwright and other industries. There was now a worldwide boom in construction and this attracted the attention of specialist equipment manufacturers, many of whom followed the launch of crane ranges with the introduction of concrete mixing equipment. This combination of equipment was supplied in a variety of forms: Reich, Ibag and Liebherr, for example, supplied cranes and concrete mixing machines designed to be used together. Important slewing tower crane manufacturer.

The bridge type hoist crane car consists of protmoted organization,the car frame,the car movement organization,hoisting mechanisms and so on. Its operation structure is composed of reducer,the driving wheel group,the driven wheel group,the transmission shaft and some connect fitting. The core of this structure is the design of the reducer.
         This bridge type hoist crane is be used to the hydroelectric power station. It is installed in the expanded workshop of Fengman water and electricity station.It is used to installing,examining and repairing the water-turbine generator set and its accessorial equipments.the equipments in the water and electricity station are large or medium-size. These equipments have a high request on the load of bridge type hoist crane , so they also have a high request on the capability of the reducer.

Grab bridge bridge crane is running on the elevated track, the car driven by the lifting of materials crawl grab a bridge-crane. Bridge laying on both sides along the elevated track on the vertical run, lifting trolley along the bridge in laying the track on the horizontal run, a rectangular scope of work, you can make full use of space below the bridge lifting material from Ground equipment hindered. Grab bridge cranes widely used in power plants, Mei Chang, and other needs of bulk material handling of the occasion, because of the heavy equipment, transportation difficulties installation, testing the quality of their products in general need in the field. Therefore, control equipment requirements for wiring, small size and portability. And the use of fixed-site conditions, also called a random testing equipment manual control functions to ensure the safety of operation. With the lifting of the transport requirements of the mechanical control continuously improve, more and more advanced means of control. At present the domestic bridge crane control system requires people at the scene to control, control methods are backward. In small and medium-sized crane, the most direct control over the use of controllers, car running, Lord, vice hook upgrade, dropped weights and speed

Crane work needs more technology. Construction of tower cranes are the main vertical transportation equipment and also a measure of construction companies and equipment strength of the important logo, in today's increasingly competitive construction market, to meet the construction needs of many construction companies have bought the tower crane. With the tower crane at the construction site of the widely used by the tower crane accident also caused more and more to people's lives and property brought about great losses. According to national statistics, the departments concerned, the tower crane accident rate reached 2.77 percent. Its security problem is still the urgency of the construction

Loose training, testing and oversight requirements for the people who work around construction cranes have fostered a false sense of security in our industry. The recent deadly tower-crane collapse at a congested New York

City building site should be a wake-up call for us to question and step up our current safety practices.

Training and testing is king when it comes to safety. But the construction industry is putting unqualified personnel in the seats of construction cranes, even with today's testing. In many places, no experience is necessary after passing a standardized test. One week of study will give some people enough knowledge to pass a certification examination, and then they can jump into the cab of a crane.

Imagine that a commercial airline pilot had the same training as a certified crane operator. How would you feel the next time you decided to fly? In California, it takes more hours of training to wield a pair of scissors in a hair salon than to operate potentially dangerous lifting machinery. How does this make sense?

Riggers and signal persons also need standard training and testing to ensure safety under the hook. Employers usually allow any craft to signal a crane on a jobsite, despite best practices that require only qualified people do so. How is it then that uncertified and untrained people are allowed to signal and rig under the hook of a licensed or certified operator?

Tower cranes are particularly risky as urban sites become more congested, and the risk of a catastrophic event is very high during climbing operations. Yet most tower-crane climbing crews are trained in a non-traditional manner, via secondhand knowledge that has been passed down over time. The problem with this type of hand-me-down knowledge is that it changes over the years, leaving out small-but-important details along the way. This "osmosis" of knowledge leads crews to develop their own tricks for climbing cranes, often forsaking basic safety in an attempt to save time and energy.

In many cases, there are no safety devices or alarms to warn of a serious problem. Climbing crews are subjected to pressures that affect safety-critical decision-making. It is not uncommon for climbs to continue with damaged or leaking hydraulic systems, out-of-adjustment or jammed guide rollers, often working in the dark and for extended hours. This "MacGyver" method of climbing, where every jump becomes a new adventure, should  not  be  the  norm.

Climbing-frame designs vary among manufacturers, but the operational steps are similar in principle. The climbing process is relatively straightforward, with a mixture of physical work and technical procedure. It is not complex; it is more about knowing the proper sequence of what needs to be done and then following the steps, one by one, making sure each step has been successfully completed before moving onto the next. It is essential that everyone know exactly what is going on and what the dangers are at every stage.

When these needs are satisfied, crane operations should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturers' instructions, engineering principals and governmental laws. But industry stakeholders and lawmakers need to step up their lax standards to protect the public. New York City residents, who have seen their homes turned into dust and debris, would be shocked at the way the industry deals with these issues.

That's why the industry needs standardized training, testing and oversight for this work, including a practical assessment of competence. Technicians should have model-specific training directly from the manufacturer, along with a level of practical experience. Inspectors, too, should be required to have specific technical training. They should be independent from all aspects of installation and maintenance to allow for objective decisions. Key personnel on erection crews should have standard training and testing.

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