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变压器声音信号抗环境噪声干扰技术研究 毕业论文+MATLAB源码
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  








This paper deeply studies the noise problem of power transformer in the operation process, aims to explore the production mechanism of transformer noise and its influencing factors, and puts forward the corresponding anti-interference technology. Considering the complexity of transformer noise, the study is analyzed from two dimensions: internal structure and external factors. Internal structural factors include core size, material, flux density, installation process and winding tightness, while external factors involve load and environmental conditions. With the growth of power demand and the improvement of environmental awareness, the market has put forward higher requirements for transformer work efficiency and noise control.

In particular, this paper focuses on the noise characteristics of dry transformers and oil-immersed power transformers. Although the dry-type transformer has the advantages of strong short circuit resistance and low no-load loss, the noise problem is particularly prominent due to the lack of fuel tank. In contrast, the noise part of the oil-immersed transformer is partially absorbed by the transformer oil, but its vibration will still cause the vibration of the oil tank wall, and then produce noise. The study shows that the fundamental source of transformer noise is the core vibration caused by the magnetostrictive effect of silicon steel sheet and the winding vibration caused by the leakage magnetic field. Therefore, this paper focuses on the influence of the deformation in the electromagnetic field and explores the potential techniques for the noise reduction.

Through this study, we not only improve the understanding of the noise generation mechanism of power transformer, but also provide the theoretical basis and technical support for reducing the noise of transformer, which is of great significance to improve the market competitiveness of transformer and meet the environmental protection requirements.

Key words: transformer noise; electromagnetic field; silicon steel sheet deformation; core vibration; winding vibration





第一章 绪论




第二章  变压器噪声

2.1  变压器噪声的产生机理

2.1.1  铁心噪声

2.1.2  绕组噪声

2.1.3  冷却噪声

2.2  变压器噪声的特点





第三章  磁致伸缩效应及其数学模型

3.1  硅钢片的磁致伸缩效应

3.1.1  宏观现象

3.1.2  微观机理


3.2  磁致伸缩数学模型的建立

3.3  硅钢片状态对噪声的影响

3.4 本章小结

第四章  硅钢片磁致伸缩特性的测量及分析

4.1 硅钢片磁致伸缩的测量

4.2 磁通密度为0.9T结果分析

4.3 磁通密度为1.4T结果分析

4.4 不同磁通密度下对比结果分析

4.5 不同磁通密度对变压器噪声影响

第五章 总结与展望

致  谢


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