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高校毕业信息毕业生去向跟踪系统(JSP+SqlServer) 毕业论文+运行说明+项目源码及数据库文件
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  



在信息化时代的不断冲击下,高校毕业生信息管理与计算机技术的结合,将会是一条提高高校毕业生信息管理水平的捷径。使用计算机对高校毕业生信息管理的各项基本信息进行管理,比起手工管理来说既方便又简便,而且易于管理、搜索速度快、存储量 大等多个优点。将其使用在高校毕业生信息管理中,不仅能够提高高校毕业生信息管理中管理员的工作效率,而且可以使高校毕业生信息管理更加科学与规范。从某些方面上来说,现代高校毕业生信息管理的不断标准化促使高校毕业生信息管理各方面的管理都逐渐与现代信息处理密切相连,因此应该开发学校高校毕业生信息管理系统将现代信息处理更快的融入到高校毕业生信息管理系统之中。




University graduate information management system based on JSP design implementation


Under the continuous impact of the information age, the combination of information management and computer technology of college graduates will be a shortcut to improve the information management level of college graduates. Use computer information management of college graduates in all kinds of basic information management, compared with the manual management convenient and simple, and easy to manage, search speed and large storage, and other advantages. The use of information management in colleges and universities graduates, not only can improve the efficiency of work at the high school graduates in the information management, and can make college graduates information management more scientific and standard. In some ways, the modern university graduates of information management standardization constantly encouraged college graduates information management all aspects of the management are closely connected with the modern information processing, so college graduates should develop school information management system to modern information processing, faster into the university graduate information management system.

In recent years, with the development of education and the broadening of information management of college graduates, it has undoubtedly increased the pressure of information management agencies and staff of college graduates. Through several years of data collection and investigation and study, college graduates information management has a very rich university graduate information management system data, but the previous management is through the artificial to search, management, etc., the traditional management methods and the rapid development of Internet has serious now can not adapt to, in the present information management system for college graduates has become difficult, did not play a proper role. In recent years, in order to improve and perfect the management system of college graduates information management, give full play to the advantage of college graduates information management system, promote the graduate information management system of colleges and universities to develop in the direction of healthy, civilized, and progressive, formulates this management approach. Realize the informationization construction, make the management means gradually go digital, intellectualized, modernization. The modernization management system relying on informationization construction is the inevitable trend of the gradual perfection, standardization and mature application of college graduate information management system.

According to the current research status and development trend of this system, the system is implemented from demand analysis, structural design, database design and system implementation respectively to the front end and back end. The paper describes the development process of the system from system description, system analysis, system design, system implementation and system test. The system tries to combine the actual find out a feasible development plan, after repeated research and study, using the JSP programming language, essentially a database and tomcat server to accomplish all functions of the system, and finally to the system test, to detect system permissions and loopholes, thus the system perfect, to conform to the standard.

Key words:College graduate information management system, c # programming language, sqlserver database




1  绪论




第2章 系统开发技术的介绍

2.1 MyEclipse简介





3 系统分析


3.1.1 技术可行性

3.1.2 经济可行性

3.1.3 操作可行性

3.2 功能需求分析

3.3 数据需求分析

3.4 性能需求分析


4  系统设计



4.3 数据库的设计

4.3.1 概念模型的设计

4.3.2 数据库表的设计

5  系统实现






6  系统测试




7  总结


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