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大蒜播种机机械结构设计 说明书(论文)+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  




关键词: 大蒜、播种机 、钩链式、链条 、排种

Structural design of key parts of garlic planter

Abstract: China is a country with a large population. The annual consumption of garlic in China is very large. With the increase of more imported garlic products, it still can not meet the existing huge demand. Therefore, in the development of agriculture, the planting amount of garlic is increasing every year, so that the garlic planter has been in a market development process of short supply. In the existing domestic market, there are many types of planter equipment, but in the existing market, many planters can not achieve the purpose of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. With the large-scale development of agriculture, many agricultural equipment are also developing unprecedentedly. In recent years, different kinds of planters emerge in endlessly, which has brought convenient development to the cultivation of garlic. In the current planting and manufacturing of agricultural equipment, under the background of continuous mechanized planting, and under the situation of changing the traditional manual way, it solves the problems of low planting efficiency and operation, makes the economic performance of garlic planter not high, and can not save time better in planting. The garlic planter designed this time is suitable for the needs of planting agriculture. In the existing market, the design and development of garlic planter are constantly sought after by people. Therefore, in this design, we mainly focus on the structural design of garlic planter, complete the structural form of key transmission parts and the structural design of hook chain seeding structure, realize the characteristics of automatic seeding under traction, realize the design advantages of key garlic orthodontic seeding, and complete the design contents related to this subject.

In the design of garlic planter, the structure design scheme of large garlic planter in the market is referred to in the conception of mechanism, and the structure of garlic planter used in general planting is conceived and designed. In view of the overall structural design, in the design, the key structural analysis and design are carried out on the hook chain conveying mechanism, transmission components, chain transmission deceleration system and frame structure of garlic planter. Make the design steps first clear the design task of the garlic planter in this design, widely find the relevant design data on the basis of the design requirements and the design background, deeply clarify the outline of the structural design of the garlic planter, complete the assembly structure design of the straw crusher [2], continuously realize the optimization design of components, and finally draw the CAD structure drawing of the garlic planter.

Keywords:Garlic, planter, hook chain, chain, seed metering.

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