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2.5HP旱地松土机设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+情况登记表+答辩PPT+cad图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘 要





关键词:旱地松土机;摩擦离合器 ;蜗杆蜗轮减速器。


To advance the facilities of agriculture fast development, the first is to develop facilities that can meet the needs of agricultural machinery. At present, in our country, the orchard, greenhouses, hills, small mountains, elevation difference is big, and no JiGengDao dryland farming mechanization level is low, most of the homework relying on traditional manual labor, intensity big, the efficiency is low. Scarification operation is a fundamental operation, in view of the domestic existing dry farming machinery there is a large volume, poor adaptability, price is high, has been developed suitable for domestic small upland terrain above scarifier, in this paper, the design of small tiller also belongs to the category of the rotary cultivator.

The small rotary tillage cultivating function, is widely used in the field farming plastic greenhouses, tobacco, nursery, garden, tea garden digging. With light weight, small volume, simple structure, convenient operation, easy maintenance, low fuel consumption, high efficiency characteristics.

To facilitate this promotion, digging machine configuration is simplified. 2.5 HP machine is mainly composed of single cylinder two stroke gasoline engine, friction clutch, worm, worm gear reducer, rotary tillage blade wheel etc. Engine powered by friction clutch is connected to the drive shaft, the shaft in the worm worm gear reducer will power to the knife shaft drive the knife dish for farming. In addition, the engine only provide vehicle power, frame itself walk, change all by manual control.

To reduce the quality and reduce the overall dimensions and reduce cost, on the premise of meet the use requirements, use the threaded connection instead of the drive shaft and the worm shaft coupling, worm worm gear reducer structure is simplified, save the fuel tank for general requirements and the fan.

Keywords: upland scarifier,friction clutch ,worm gear reducer.


1 绪论

1.1  开发松土机的目的和意义

1.2  国内外研究现状与发展趋势

2  方案设计

2.1  技术要求

2.2  结构方案设计

2.3  传动方案设计

3 松土机工作参数的设计

3.1  刀轴转速的确定

3.2  耕幅的确定

3.3  参数校核

3.4  旋耕刀的配置与排列

4 传动设计

4.1  减速器的设计

4.2  传动轴的设计

4.3  传动轴两端链接的设计

4.3.1 传动轴与蜗杆连接部分的设计


5 离合器的设计

5.1  离合器类型的选择

5.2  离合器的结构设计见图纸

5.3  离合器中螺旋压缩弹簧的设计

5.4  螺栓的选取

6 减速器的设计

6.1 减速器的结构设计见图纸

6.2 刀轴的设计

6.3  减速器中蜗杆两端轴承的选用与校核

6.4  减速器蜗轮两端轴承的设计与校核



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