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小型家用磨面机设计 说明书(论文)+答辩PPT+CAD图纸+sw三维+动画+查重检测报告
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要



关键词:  磨面机;锥形磨;分离系统,磨头

Small Surface Mill Design


This graduation design is a small household surface mill, the source of the topic is the production and living needs found. This design through the analysis and understanding of the theoretical basis of previous human research, and the study of shape, and its various physical characteristics, as well as in the work of in the process of force analysis, grinding, powder box and other structures on the basis of transformation and upgrading, greatly improve the efficiency and mechanical performance of the mill.

In mill, we called him flour mill, raw flour mill, mill, flour mill, flour machine, flour machine, wheat mill, grain flour mill, steel flour mill, corn flour mill, leather flour separator, and so on a lot of name, the design of the mill compared to the original mill: structure is simple, single operation processing, convenient installation, small size, easy to use, its torque is relatively small, it is not easy to bond flour. It consists of feeding system, grinding system and bran separation. When it works: first conical grinding raw material, grinding head is driven by belt drive, grinding the spindle supported by two installed on the frame of bearing, at the same time the gap here design can be adjusted, adjusted by the mill end handle adjustment, by adjusting the handle extrusion grinding spindle, reduce the gap between the spindle, to adjust the thickness of the flour, and then ground grain directly from the frame to the bottom, by the adjustable clearance of the brush and bottom will flour and bran (skin). The machine can process wheat, rice, millet, corn, soybeans, sesame, soybean, sorghum, highland barley and other grain products.

Key words:Mmill; cone mill; separation system, mill head

目 录

摘  要


目 录

1 绪论

1.1 研究的目的和意义

1.2 国内外研究现状和发展趋势



1.2.3 发展趋势

2 小型磨面机的总体设计


2.2 小型磨面机结构简介


2.4 小型磨面机的工作过程分析


3 .1 进料斗设计


3.2.1 粉碎装置结构设计

3.3 物料粉碎及功率的计算

3.4 磨盘结构设计

3.4.1 磨盘直径的确定

3.4.2. 磨盘功率的计算


3.5 筛粉箱结构设计

3.5.1 筛选的基本概念


3.5.3 圆筛结构与工作过程

3.5.4 圆筛的技术参数

3.6 传动轴设计

3.7 传动装置的设计

3.8 选择电动机

3.8.1 选择电动机的类型和结构形式

3.8.2 选择电动机的容量

3.8.3 确定电动机转速

3.9 V带传动的设计

3.9.1 磨面机第一级V带传动的设计


3.11 磨面机主轴同步带轮的设计

3.11 轴的设计

3.11.1 主轴

3.11.2 筛粉箱轴的设计

3.12 确定轴承间隙选择相应的配合


3.13 磨面机主轴运行状态对磨盘间隙的影响

3.14 螺钉


3.16  键联接的设计

4 常见故障及其排除方法

5 结 论



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