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自行车车库机构设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+CAD图纸+三维图
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





This paper introduces the background, purpose, method, content and significance of the design of the bicycle garage mechanism. Firstly, it points out the demand and current situation of bicycle storage, and then puts forward the necessity of garage mechanism design. Then, the methods of structure analysis, mechanical calculation, CAD modeling and drawing, and kinematic performance simulation used in the design process are summarized. Finally, the theoretical contribution and practical significance of this study for the design of a bicycle garage are emphasized. This paper aims to discuss the design scheme of bicycle garage mechanism, and propose an efficient and practical garage mechanism design through a thorough analysis of the demand and current situation of bicycle storage. In the design process, the structural analysis and mechanical calculation were first conducted to ensure the stability and safety of the garage mechanism. Subsequently, the CAD software is used to conduct the three-dimensional modeling and drawing of the garage, and the various components of the garage mechanism and its spatial layout are shown in detail. In addition, the kinematic performance of the garage mechanism is simulated and gives corresponding optimization suggestions. Through this study, it not only provides theoretical basis and practical guidance for the design of bicycle garage, but also provides new ideas and methods for solving the problem of urban bicycle storage.

Key words: bicycle garage; mechanism design; CAD drawing; mechanical calculation; kinematic analysis; spatial layout; optimization suggestions


摘  要


第一章 绪论



1.2.1  自行车停车架及停车棚


1.2.3. 全自动地下自行车车库

第二章 伸缩式自行车车库总体设计

第三章 伸缩式自行车车库的详细设计

3.1  停车架的设计与计算

a)四缸直顶式  b)单缸侧顶式

3.1.1  停车板的设计计算

3.1.2  停车板支承框架的设计计算


3.2  上层提升机构的设计计算

3.2.1  导向板、立柱、滚轮、斜拉杆的设计计算

3.2.2  链轮轴、链条及链轮的选用设计计算

第四章 总结与展望

4.1 总结

4.2 展望

致  谢


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