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30米跨度幕布悬挂系统设计 说明书(论文)+任务书+开题报告+CAD图纸
文章来源:www.biyezuopin.vip   发布者:毕业作品网站  

摘  要





The curtain suspension system of the ship towing system is a key equipment, which is mainly used in the ship towing test to provide the necessary support and protection for the ship towing system and meet the specific test needs. The following is about the ship model towing system. The main function of the curtain suspension system is to support and protect the ship mold, while providing the necessary stability and operation convenience for the ship mold. In the towing test, the curtain suspension system needs to be able to withstand the weight of the mold and provide sufficient support to ensure the stability and safety of the ship on the water surface. In addition, the curtain suspension system also needs to be easy to install and withdraw, so as to operate quickly and conveniently in the test.

This project is designed for the "30 m span curtain suspension system" to meet the requirements of the infrared test in the ship mold towing test. The designed curtain suspension system needs to be lightweight, stable, adjustable and easy to install and withdraw. The main technical requirements include the selection of light curtain, the reflection rate of the back of the curtain are not less than 90%, the length of the infrared "dark room" formed is not less than 30 meters, the width is not less than 8 meters, and the height of the bottom of the curtain is within the range of 1 to 3 meters. In addition, the four columns and the pulley installed on the column and other equipment do not need to withdraw, the rest of the items including steel cable and curtain can be more convenient installation and expansion and withdrawal. Finally, the curtain system installation and deployment time is not more than 10 hours, and the withdrawal time is not more than 5 hours. The research results of this topic will provide technical support and solutions for the infrared test of ship model towing test.

Key words: mold towing system; curtain suspension system; light curtain; adjustable; installation and withdrawal

目  录

摘  要


第1章 概论




第2章 液压控制系统的设计


2.2 液压回路的设计

2.2.1 回路设计方案一

2.2.2 回路设计方案二

第3章 传动机构的设计



3.2.1 液压马达的选择

3.2.2 液压泵的选择

3.3 液压阀的选择


3.3.2 换向阀的选择

3.4 传动比的选择以及各轴的参数计算

3.4.1 计算各轴转速

3.4.2 各轴的输入功率

3.4.3 各轴的输出功率计算

3.4.4 各轴输入转矩计算


第4章  蜗轮蜗杆的设计计算

4.1 蜗杆传动类型和材料的选择

4.1.1 蜗杆传动类型的确定

4.1.2 选择材料

4.2 设计方法的确定

4.3  蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数的选择与计算

4.3.1  蜗杆参数的设计与计算

4.3.2  蜗轮参数的设计与计算

4.4  校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度

第5章  轴的设计计算

5.1  输入轴(轴I)的设计

5.1.1  确定输出轴上的功率,转速和转距

5.1.2  求作用在轴上的力:

5.1.3  初步确定轴的最小直径

5.1.4  轴的结构设计

5.1.5  轴的校核计算

5.2  输出轴(轴II)的设计计算

5.2.1  确定输出轴上的功率,转速和转距

5.2.2  求作用在轴上的力

5.2.3  初步确定轴的最小直径:

5.2.4  轴的结构设计:

5.2.5  轴II的校核计算

第6章  轴承的校核计算

6.1 输入轴轴承的设计与校核

6.1.1  初选单列圆锥滚子轴承

6.1.2  计算径向力  轴向力

6.1.3  计算轴向派生力

6.1.4  计算轴承的轴向载荷

6.1.5 计算当量载荷

6.1.6  轴承寿命计算

6.2 低速级轴承的设计与计算

6.2.1  初选单列圆锥滚子轴承

6.2.2  计算径向力   轴向力

6.2.3 计算轴向派生力

6.2.4 计算轴承得轴向载荷

6.2.5 计算当量载荷

6.2.6 轴承寿命计算

第7章  键的选择与校核

7.1 键的选择

7.1.1 根据轴的直径选择键

7.1.2 校核键的承载能力

总  结



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