一、 课程研究的背景和意义
二、 分拣机的发展概况
三、 分拣机的分类、工作原理及特点
3.1 分拣机的分类
3.2 马铃薯分拣机的工作原理
3.3 马铃薯分拣机的特点
四、 分拣机在实际生产中的应用
五、 分拣机的结构组成与设计
5.1 筛滚筒的设计
5.1.1 滚筒的尺寸
5.1.2 滚筒的圆孔的设计
5.1.3 滚筒的传动设计
5.1.4 滚筒和轴的固定
5.2 机架的设计
5.3 进料口的设计
5.4 物料的受力分析
六、 分拣机的零件的选择
6.1 皮带的选择
6.2 V带轮的选择
6.3 大小带轮、带的尺寸和相互安装的尺寸的计算
6.4 转轴的强度与刚度计算
6.5 轴承的选择
6.6 轴承座的选择
6.7 分拣机的装配图
This paper aims to design a potato sorting machine to improve the efficiency and accuracy of potato sorting. First, this paper analyzes the market demand and existing technology of potato sorting machine, and clarifies the design requirements and objectives. Then, the overall structure and functions of the potato sorting machine are detailed design, including conveyor belt design, sorting device design, control system design, etc. Then, the paper tests the performance of potato sorting machine, including sorting accuracy, sorting speed, stability and other indicators. The results show that the potato sorting machine can realize high efficiency, with broad application and market prospect. Finally, this paper summarizes the problems and solutions encountered in the design process, and makes some suggestions for improvement and optimization.
Keywords: potato sorting machine, machine vision, deep learning, robotic arm.