摘 要
基于促进房地产业与互联网相融合的需要和提高房地产企业竞争力的需求出发,本文设计了一个基于Web的房屋供求系统,以实现对可出租、出售房屋的高效管理。系统待用基于SH(Struts 和 Hibernate)的JavaEE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition)和MVC(Model View Controller)架构模式,以Tomcat作为Web服务器软件,选择MySql数据库对数据进行存储,采用MD5(Message-Digest Algorithm 5)安全加密处理保证用户名信息安全,设计了求出售房、供出售房、用户管理和系统管理四个模块。
关键词:WEB 房屋供求 MVC SH JavaEE
Design and Development the System of Housing Supply and Demand
Abstract: With the development of science and technology, the Internet have an enormous impact on education, medical, financial and other traditional industries, especially for the industries which are influenced deeply by the location such as the realty industry, the development of the Internet has more influence on it. Nothing can stop the development of the Internet. If the realty industry intends to seize the opportunity to accelerate the development, it must be combined with the Internet. It is the development trend of the times. Otherwise, the enterprises in realty industry will be eliminated by the times.
Aimed at promoting the rate of the realty industry combines with the Internet and improving the competitiveness of enterprises in realty industry, this paper designs a system about housing supply and demand based on Web, to realize the rental and the sale of housing management. This system using SH (Struts and Hibernate) framework which is based on JavaEE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) and MVC (Model View Controller) structure, using Tomcat as the Web server software, using MySql database for data storage, and using MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm 5) encryption to ensure the user information security, to design four module including searching houses, publishing houses, user management and system management.
Through this system, users can register, login, query and publish the information of the houses on sale or for rent, book, collect and comment on the houses of others, manage the personal houses as well as the houses which the people collect, modify personal information, manage the personal orders. The administrator can manage the users and queries on all orders. According to the requirement analysis, the system is almost done. On the basis of this, it is added several small functions, but there are some problems need to be further improved, too.
Key words: WEB Housing Supply and Demand MVC SH JavaEE